View Full Version : Advice for 100-400

01-03-2010, 03:11 PM
Hello to all, and Happy new Year !

For a 5D mk II and a 50D, i'd like to buy a zoom for outside sport (greyhound races), landscape, air meetings, and think of the 100-400 ... (don't want a prime, too expensive and not general purpose enough)

Some say that the 70-200 2.8 is best but it's a bit short for me.

But I have read "horrors"[:S] about 100-400 sharpness (so,so) and that fact that one must be a lucky guy to have a good copy (I want to buy it new)

What is your advice ?

01-03-2010, 03:18 PM
I've been very happy with my copy of the 100-400mm (that I bought in February, 2007). It's been around the world with me, dropped (hard enough to crack the casing of the 30D to which it was attached, yet survived unscathed) and I love the range. I've never had any major issue with sharpness, even using extenders that do degrade it somewhat.

I guess I have a good copy. I wouldn't give it up for anything.

01-03-2010, 03:27 PM
Thanks musickna ("../members/musickna/default.aspx),

A friend of mine told me that sharpness is great on ... a good copy.

That lead me to that problem : are good copy so rare for this lens or is it for older production numbers ? (knowing that, for this price, getting a bad copy is really a problem)

01-03-2010, 03:35 PM
Nothing to worry about. The 100-400 is quick to frame and focus on the fly. 70-200 will not get you there. Here is a 40D crop.


Bill W
01-03-2010, 03:44 PM
Tabazan...thanks for the well wish and HNY to you also.

I purchased mine new a couple of years ago and I'm pretty happy w/it....I think you'll find the older (5 yrs ?) versions were the ones that had issues.

It's on my 40D 80% of the time for auto racing, landscapes to wildlife w/my focus on birding. If the photo is soft, it's usually my fault and not the lens'. There is a learning curve for using this lens....at least for me there was, I mean, there is.

The only negative point I can blame on the lens is bokeh....unless I'm completely missing something w/this lens, the lens' bokeh isn't very good.

Some examples....




I would recommend this lens to fulfill your needs.



01-03-2010, 03:50 PM
I've rented the 100-400 and was satisfied with its sharpness. I used 400mm 95% of the time and found that f/5.6 was too slow. for me at least I would havepreferreda prime but there is a huge hole in canon's lineup in the $2400 range.

Keith B
01-03-2010, 03:57 PM
I love my 100-400. It is very sharp. Not as sharp as a prime but for the versatility it offers it is hard to complain. I have a friend, who is a pro, who uses this lens for portraits.

I read in a thread a day or so ago by Daniel Browning that 100-400 produced after 2003 do not experience the soft center that models before then experienced.

Daniel Browning
01-03-2010, 06:54 PM
But I have read "horrors"/emoticons/emotion-7.gif about 100-400 sharpness (so,so) and that fact that one must be a lucky guy to have a good copy (I want to buy it new)

I don't think that's true. There may have been more bad copies five years ago, but recently most people (including me) got really sharp ones.

01-03-2010, 09:15 PM
No issues with my 100-400 L.

Bought it about a year and 1/2 ago.

Heres one taken with the 5DMKII .... About 120 yards away ...

http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/4774/marbella20costa20rica.jpg (http://img704.imageshack.us/i/marbella20costa20rica.jpg/)

01-04-2010, 04:21 AM
Well, thanks to all,

Seeing all these pics, seems that this lens is very good after all.

01-04-2010, 09:19 AM
Tabazan, one thing to keep in mind is that when someone encounters a problem, they tend to ask on forums and complain everywhere, but when they don't encounter problems they surely will not put that on the internet(at least most of the time).

That's how horror-story's start...I say don't worry to much unless you're buying 2nd hand, or when quality sites as this one or dpreview announce "official" bugs and don't recommend the lens you want to buy.

With 2nd hand you don't (at least most of the time) get a chance to either get your money back or trade a lemon for a good lens. So always try them out properly[:)]

01-04-2010, 11:44 PM
I had the same thought like you for a week and was searching and reading about what lenses to choose for a focal length longer than 70-200. I am debating to either get 300 f4 IS or 400 f4.5 IS or 100-400 f4.5 IS for birding and wildlife. After couple days I did pull the trigger to order a new 100-400 f4.5 IS since it is more flexible and versatile for my shooting style. Do not worry about sharpness since I found the colors included sharpness of this lens are superior to the others with same focal length especially with 5D2.