View Full Version : Post processing suggestions needed

01-15-2009, 06:45 PM
Hey guys, I'm going to print this picture and some more similar pictures. I'd like to hear (and see!) your suggestions about how to make this picture even better using post processing tools.

(this picture is a 30% scale down of the original one, saved at about 80% quality to make it smaller for use here in the forums)

Thanks in advance.


01-15-2009, 08:19 PM
I would crop down as much as possible to remove the cabinets, tv, and stereo.

Cute picture!

Jessica Robinson
01-15-2009, 11:07 PM
Okay, can't say that my version is any better, but just thought I'd give it a shot. :)


I adjusted the white balance a bit using curves, softened her face a tad (though not really noticable on a pic of this size), duplicated the layer and chose "multiply" (to make the whole image darker), then added a layer mask so that I could paint only the outer edges darker, and finally added a layer of neutral gray so that I could further darker some spots (basically an alternate way to do dodging and burning). Anyhow, not sure I've improved anything by making her float in a sea of black, but just wanted to see what I could do to remove those harsh flash shadows and cabinetry.

01-16-2009, 04:49 AM
Thanks guys. lol, I actually thought of brightening the cabinets and crop the tv and stereo out of the picture.

Jessica, it seems like you've put a lot of effort into it, but to be honest, I can't really tell the difference except to the dark background and tighter cropping. Anyhow, I really appreciate your help!

P.S I can supply the original (3MB) jpeg file if someone wishes to play with it a bit more.

Also, I have some more pictures which are a bit dark (ok, some are very dark - I try to shoot without flash as much as possible and most of the pictures are indoor). I played with these pictures with GIMP and tried to make them brighter, but it always make it looks like there is a matte/white mask on it when I'm done. Can anyone show me (if that's possible) how to make the picture brighter without causing this unpleasant effect?


01-18-2009, 05:03 PM
Any other suggestions? somebody?

Jessica Robinson
01-18-2009, 05:46 PM
If you have Photoshop, duplicate the background layer, then change the blend mode from Normal to Screen - this will lighten the entire photo. Not light enough, repeat again. Too light, adjust the layer opacity for just the right amount of brightness. I am only familiar with Photoshop, and that's my quick fix for any photos you might have that are underexposed.

01-18-2009, 06:36 PM
I'll try that, thanks.