View Full Version : 35mm 2.0 or 85mm 1.8?

01-26-2010, 10:50 PM
Hello all. Could use some advice. I shoot a lot at music clubs, and generally am pretty close to the stage, if not right in front. I currently use a 50mm 1.8 (and sometimes borrow a friend's 50mm 1.4). I want to add another lens for show shooting, and my 17-55 2.8 just isn't cutting it in the dim club settings. So i've been considering a new lens. but can't decide whether to go longer or shorter. Both have their advantages. Right now I'm leaning toward the 85mm 1.8, and just using my point and shoot (an S90) to grab any wide angle shots I need. This is for a 7D.
These shots are typical of my distance from the stage. All are with a 50mm and shot at f/1.8. First two on a Rebel XSI, third one on a 7d. Any opinions appreciated. Thanks.




01-26-2010, 11:06 PM
Hi, very impressive shots! I don't know much about concert photography, but if you still have the XSI then I would grab both and sell the 50mm. That way you can bring the 35 and 85 on two different cameras to capture from all perspectives. Of course that would cost more money, so if your on a budget, I don't think you'll be disappointed with either lens.

01-26-2010, 11:06 PM
If your are using EF85mm u r on "stealth" mode compare to EF50mm you can go a little bit futher from the stage. and EF35mm you have to get closer compared from EF50mm.

Daniel Browning
01-27-2010, 02:20 AM
Given that you already have the 35mm covered with your 17-55, and the fact that the 85mm has better bokeh and autofocus, I'd go with the 85mm. Plus it's a lot sharper.

01-27-2010, 03:19 AM
yes.. the 85 is much much sharper and better focus than the 35.

the f/2 on 35 is much softer than the f/1.8 on 85.

..but.. using a 35, you could handhold it at 1/50..

.. the question is, can you handhold a 85 at 1/100 to eliminate blur from camera shake? I ask because, I can't..

01-27-2010, 04:36 AM
Hmmm... Good point on the handholding of the 85. Hadn't thought about that. I can hold the 50 at around 100, which is about the bare minimum shutter speed i can get away with at shows. Wonder how much difference the 85mm would be.

01-27-2010, 09:23 AM
I think it all depends on skill, practice, and caffeine-load - I can often shoot ambient light shots with my EF 85mm f/1.8 down to about 1/60 s with a reasonable keeper rate. But if you're comfortable with a 50mm lens at 1/100 s, you're looking at 1/160 - 1/250 s for the 85mm lens. You may not have that much headroom in your ISO, depending on lighting.

03-02-2010, 11:04 AM
I don't have any lens advice but I love your picture of J Mascis. I hope you had your earplugs in if you were that close!

03-02-2010, 02:47 PM
Thanks. I actually JUST ordered the 85 1.8.

You'd think that after spending so much money on camera equipment, I'd spend a few dollars on some earplugs. Alas, my ears were ringing for days after the Dinosaur Jr show. Loudest show I've ever seen in my whole life. At one point I actually thought I'd throw up from the vibrations.

03-02-2010, 10:51 PM
I have my eye on an 85/1.8 as well - I've got a 40D, 50/1.8, and a Sigma 18-50/2.8 Macro. There are times I need a little more reach, and I love using the 50/1.8, so the 85 seems like the obvious fit.

I love Dino Jr, but kind of dislike how loud they insist on playing live. It's one of their calling cards, but it covers up their musicianship, which is at a high level. Mascis is a flat-out great guitarist, but live you can barely hear the notes and chords he is playing over the onslaught of distortion and sheer volume.

03-03-2010, 02:03 AM
Yeah, I had the same thought on the 85 1.8. I almost exclusively use my 50mm 1.8 at shows, and the 85 will come in handy when I can't get as close.

And agreed on Dinosaur Jr. Great band, but just too damn load. Maybe I'm just too old now. But I knew I was in trouble when I was standing right up front, in front of his six Marshalls, and then the roadies turned half of the monitors out toward the crowd as well. It was only later, when hanging out with a friend backstage, that Dino Jr sounded normal. Through three walls.

03-11-2010, 11:55 AM
I've used the 35mm and own the 85mm, which is one of my favorites. Some great points already made here, but I just wanted to chime in... the 85mm will give you more flexibility for being further back from the stage, and focuses much faster. The 35mm will hunt for AF, the 85mm always locks in for me.