View Full Version : Attention Strobists...Looking for a Softbox

Mark Elberson
01-29-2010, 10:40 AM
Hey all,

I'm looking for a softbox for my speedlites (triggered remotely using RF triggers). Any suggestions?

These things are important to me (in this order):

Quality of Light
Ease of use (setup/tear down)

Here are two models that I have considered:

Westcott Apollo Speedlight Set ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/564656-REG/Westcott_2202_Apollo_Speedlight_Set_.html#reviews)
Lastolite Hot Shoe EZYBOX Softbox Kit - 24x24" ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=WishList.jsp&A=details&Q=&sku=542683&is=REG )

I am leaning towards the Lastolite because it looks like it can be positioned easily when mounted on a swivel bracket. Its biggest fault is the price tag. I'd love to hear from people who have actually used either one of these.

Sean Setters
01-29-2010, 11:20 AM
I own the 28" Westcott Apollo and a 15" collapsible softbox (like the Lastolite you linked to). I can confirm that the 15" softbox is much, much easier to work with. With that in mind, I'd suggest a 24" Lastoliteebay clone ("http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m38.l1313&_nkw=24%22+spee dlite&_sacat=See-All-Categories). It's about $60 with shipping and includes the speedlite mount. I don't actually own the 24" version, but I'm seriously considering purchasing one myself. The 15" version I have is an Alzo branded softbox--and the quality of it is quite good (although it's a bit small for anything outside of head & shoulders shots).

Keith B
01-29-2010, 12:51 PM
Go with the Apollo. You can reverse fire it and the light you get from it is so buttery smooth when used like that.

Also consider the Photek Softlighter II ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/109112-REG/Photek_SL_4000_S_Umbrella_Softlighter_II.html). I love these. I have the 36" and 60". The 60 gives you the biggest softest light that you'd normally pay $400-$500 for aoctobox for. The 36" with the silver insert gives a nice specular quality that I think is along the lines of a beauty dish with a diffuser over the front.

I think reverse fire is a huge advantage and really changes the quality of light for the better and most soft boxes don't allow.

Sean Setters
01-29-2010, 01:33 PM
Go with the Apollo. You can reverse fire it and the light you get from it is so buttery smooth when used like that.

Also consider the Photek Softlighter II ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/109112-REG/Photek_SL_4000_S_Umbrella_Softlighter_II.html). I love these. I have the 36" and 60". The 60 gives you the biggest softest light that you'd normally pay $400-$500 for aoctobox for. The 36" with the silver insert gives a nice specular quality that I think is along the lines of a beauty dish with a diffuser over the front.

I think reverse fire is a huge advantage and really changes the quality of light for the better and most soft boxes don't allow.
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Don't get me wrong, the light from the 28" Apollo is very nice. However, I find it much more difficult to work with because the flash is encased by the softbox. Also, it's range of motion is limited when used that way. I created a DIY mounting arm to address both issues, and it works great. However, it's still much more complicated to set up than the collapsible 15" Alzo. For me, ease of use trumps the slightly better quality of light. If you feathered the output of the collapsible (by not pointing it directly at your subject, but slightly in front of or behind), then I think the light would be comparable (although I haven't actually tested it).

Mark Elberson
01-29-2010, 01:47 PM
Thanks guys! You've given me some great options.

Don't get me wrong, the light from the 28" Apollo is very nice. However, I find it much more difficult to work with because the flash is encased by the softbox. Also, it's range of motion is limited when used that way. I created a DIY mounting arm to address both issues, and it works great. However, it's still much more complicated to set up than the collapsible 15" Alzo.

That was my main concern about the Apollo. Out of the box can it only be mounted straight up and down? Any chance you've got a picture of that DIY setup you were talking about :-)

Keith B
01-29-2010, 02:00 PM
That was my main concern about the Apollo. Out of the box can it only be mounted straight up and down? Any chance you've got a picture of that DIY setup you were talking about :-)

Get a boom. You can achieve any angle with it on a boom. You can also leave the front and back zippers undone to give some tilting flexibility.

It's a little difficult to adjust from inside. The front panel velcro makes this easier. I don't totally fasten it until I've nailed the lighting. Whether you are reverse firing it or not you can always swivel the head so the controls will face the front panel.

Not trying to sway you just saying.

Mark Elberson
01-29-2010, 03:36 PM
Any idea why the Westcott Apollo Speedlight Set ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/564656-REG/Westcott_2202_Apollo_Speedlight_Set_.html) which includes both the Westcott Apollo Softbox with Recessed Front - 28 x 28" ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/62245-REG/Westcott_2334_Apollo_Softbox_with_Recessed.html) and the Westcott Shoe Mount for Mini Apollo ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/501169-REG/Westcott_5015_Shoe_Mount_for_Mini.html) would cost less than the Westcott Apollo Softbox with Recessed Front - 28 x 28" ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/62245-REG/Westcott_2334_Apollo_Softbox_with_Recessed.html)?? ?

Sean Setters
01-29-2010, 03:59 PM
Here's a picture of the DIY mounting arm I made. And Keith is right--a boom would allow you to do the same thing. However, with a boom, the flash still resides in the middle of the softbox. Directions for the DIY mounting arm are listed in the caption.

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3377/3620200877_1afa7ccc34.jpg ("http://www.flickr.com/photos/budrowilson/3620200877/)

As far as the differences between the different B&amp;H listings--from what I've seen in the flickr strobist threads, there is no difference (except that the Speedlight Set comes with an umbrella swivel). The difference in prices is unexplainable (especially since the one with the umbrella swivel is less). If you want the Apollo, get the Speedlight Set ("http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/564656-REG/Westcott_2202_Apollo_Speedlight_Set_.html) (that's exactly what I got).

Keith B
01-29-2010, 04:23 PM
That's cool Sean. I like that the strobe doesn't shoot at the front panel.

I personally never really had an issue with the flash inside. Like I mentioned before I usually seal on edge tight and just tug it to one corner, get the light right then seal it. I've actually used this so much with a 580EXII I usually know exactly what to set it to and just make a minor tweak once and go. I always have the option of E-TTL with the IR trigger. I rarely use it but it is an option. And yes the IR trigger fires quite reliably inside the soft box and indoors. I haven't used it outdoors yet. I imagine it would less reliable.