View Full Version : Recent weekend trip to a nearby hill station.

02-02-2010, 05:25 AM

We took a break last month and headed for a weekend trip to this nearby hill station to spend some time relaxing and breathing fresh air away from the city's noisy hustle.

Captured a few pics during this time off. Please provide your precious critique for improvement.

1] Scenic sunset http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2691/4322019422_0e2b227c90_b.jpg

2] Waterfalls and its surrounding greeneryhttp://farm5.static.flickr.com/4018/4321962446_dfcb28daff_b.jpg

3] The road we drove to the highest peak in our state.http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2699/4321238967_e7b80aeda2_b.jpg

4] My thought on seeing thisdawn "God is blowing away the clouds & making them dance in colors. What a way to paint the sky!!"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4025/4321923330_f5621a2478_b.jpg

5] Simple & yet so beautiful; spent like 20 mins mesmerized in this vast ambience of natures creation. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2771/4321981558_1346bcf680_b.jpg

You can see more pics from this trip at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dayanand_hiremath/sets/72157623201666459/detail/ ("http://www.flickr.com/photos/dayanand_hiremath/sets/72157623201666459/detail/)

Many thanks for viewing,


02-02-2010, 05:28 AM
Very nice. What gear and settings did you use.[H]

02-02-2010, 06:00 AM
Sorry for not posting the EXIF info.

All pics taken with Canon EOS 40D + 28-135mm IS USM. focal length used for all pics is 28mm.
EXIF info as given below:

Aperture F/7.1
Shutter speed 1/125 sec
ISO 200
Evaluvative metering

Aperture F/5.6
Shutter speed 1/60 sec
ISO 100
Evaluvative metering

Aperture F/10
Shutter speed 1/250 sec
ISO 100
Evaluvative metering

Aperture F/9
Shutter speed 1/200 sec
ISO 400
Spot metering

Aperture F/10
Shutter speed 1/200 sec
ISO 100
Evaluvative metering

Thanks for asking Bouwy :-)

02-02-2010, 06:19 AM
Nice photos! I like the last one a lot, real simple but beautiful [Y] Really beautifull scenery where you live...amazing[H]

One thing: clean your sensor or get it cleaned [:D] You've got some dust?spots on your photos.

02-02-2010, 09:18 AM
One thing: clean your sensor or get it cleaned /emoticons/emotion-2.gif You've got some dust?spots on your photos.

maybe you've got some dust on your monitor :) jk, i did notice a spot left after you mentioned it, otherwise great work!

02-02-2010, 10:50 AM
maybe you've got some dust on your monitor :) jk, i did notice a spot left after you mentioned it, otherwise great work!

Could also be the case [:P] Well there are a few strong ones, I selected them on one of Daya's pictures. They are not really visible on the first 2 pictures, but on the other 3 they pop out just a little bit. I know you can postprocess it, but it will safe you a lot of work if you clean your sensor once in a while. Because I assume you do it with your lens as well [:D]


Other than that...amazing scenery! Did I mention that?[H]

Daniel Browning
02-02-2010, 05:30 PM
Beautiful photographs. My favorite is #4. I love the megentas, blues, and silhouette shapes.

02-02-2010, 09:41 PM
very nice captures Daya.

#s 2,3,4 are really nice. 3 is my favorite; that cloud looks similar to the Nikon (and sprint) logo!

I do have some advice for #3. To pull out some detail in the foreground instead of having a black void, take another, longer exposure of the rocks/hill that brings out detail in them. Then, stitch the 2 photos in photoshop. anyway, very small critique. keep shooting [H]


02-03-2010, 04:11 AM
Thank you for your appreciation. I live in India.
Yup, i definitely have to get my sensor cleaned. Appreciate your help to identify the dust spots.

Thank you for your encouragement.

@Daniel Browning
I admire your depth of technical knowledge & your appreciation means really something to me :)

Thank you for the appreciation. I come to think of the logos only after you pointed out.
Next time will try to put your tip to practice.

02-04-2010, 02:56 PM
No problem Daya. It's my pleasure. Just keep enjoying taking pictures and you will be just fine! Your backyard is still really amazing when I look at it [H]