View Full Version : C&C - Making Lemonade from some VERY sour lemons

02-06-2010, 09:13 PM
Hi All,

Today Philly was on the receiving end of 30'' of fresh powder. Practically nobody could get out, heck my street isn't even getting plowed until tomorrow at noon [:P]

Well, Since there were still some birds (dark-eyed juncos) outside, I makeshift-weatherproofed my camera and 300 f4 using a towel and a LOT of duct tape, built a makeshift "snow-blind), and headed out in the snow! So, making some lemonade (images!!!) from some sour lemons (yeah, 30" of snow [8o|])Here are a few from today: (they aren't nearly as sharp after resizing; how much should I apply??)

both with 7D + 300 f4L IS, f/5.6, 1/250, ISO 320




C&C welcome!

Luis Diaz Gimenez
02-06-2010, 10:16 PM
This is very sweet lemonade indeed. It would be great if you gave us some more... I particularly liked #3 with the contrasty reds and the snow on the leafs[:D]. How did you get so close to this guy? Did you bribe him[6]?

Daniel Browning
02-06-2010, 10:20 PM
Great photos! I think the snow really adds something. They look plenty sharp to me.

Don Burkett
02-06-2010, 10:26 PM
Nice job and a great way to spend time when you can't go anywhere

02-06-2010, 10:32 PM
Like the berries and the bare branch ones the best. For whatever reason, the picture with just leaves isn't doing anything for me.

Nice exposure, and blur on all of them.

02-07-2010, 12:05 AM
This is very sweet lemonade indeed. It would be great if you gave us some more... I particularly liked #3 with the contrasty reds and the snow on the leafs/emoticons/emotion-2.gif. How did you get so close to this guy? Did you bribe him/emoticons/emotion-14.gif?


I was wearing a white jacket and had a white lens in very white weather. Because of this I was able to get unusually close.

here's one more:



02-07-2010, 12:10 AM
Wow ...these are really nice! I can really see improvement in your photos with each post! Since I don't have any trees in my yard, I'm tempted to go & trim some of the branches off my neighbors treesso I can get better shots at the birds! All I'm getting better at is shooting branches! [:(]


02-07-2010, 09:26 AM
Wow ...these are really nice! I can really see improvement in your photos with each post! Since I don't have any trees in my yard, I'm tempted to go & trim some of the branches off my neighbors treesso I can get better shots at the birds! All I'm getting better at is shooting branches! /emoticons/emotion-6.gif


thanks! I hope I am improving... Can't wait for spring. I like snow because sometimes it's an excuse to go AWOL from work (hehe) but when I'm planning on doing something Snow is a killer.
