View Full Version : Updates on Assignments!

Dan Fleming
02-11-2010, 08:15 PM
Hey Girls and Guys,

Bryan was kind enough to take some time and give the assignments their own forum inside the Image Presentation group. He also moved all the previous assignment threads to that forum. They are all in one place and can be reviewed easily now. I think this will be a boon, especially when people are coming up with the ideas for new assignments. Below is the informal structure under which we are operating these. (I thought it would be a good idea to have all the information in one place so that people can look here quickly!)

1. Each new assignment's subject is chosen by the previous assignment's winner.

2. The submission period for the images to be in the list that are compared is usually 7-10 days and is posted in the first post of the thread.

3. The images posted are "judged" ideally on technical aspects, reflection of the assignment, and the judge's personal preference.

4. The judges are always the person who gave the idea and one other volunteer. (If you want to help please please please contact me, I can always use more help.)

5. Judges narrow the list to 1/3 of the total submissions.

6. The "finalists" selected by the judges are voted on in a poll put into the original post of the thread.

7. The winner chooses the next assignment and we are back to number 1.

8. More than one post is allowed and encouraged per person (the idea is to help share ideas and show off creativity after all) though the person needs to specify which image they want to enter in the contest!

I have really enjoyed posting and moderating these. The sheer range of creativity and talent we have seen has been awesome. I am looking forward to carrying these on and seeing what we come up with!


02-13-2010, 08:51 AM
Nice post Dan, didn't see it until now. Great![Y]

02-13-2010, 09:55 AM
I just don't know about #5. In future assignments with, say, 50 submissions the judges would probably have to narrow it down to at least 1/5, maybe even 1/10. I think #5 will be subject to change [G]