View Full Version : 5DmkII or EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS: which one to buy first?

Htet Kyi
02-12-2010, 05:50 PM
Hi everyone,

I am a regular follower to the forum but participate for the first time.

I've got a rebel 450D with EF 24-105mm f/4L and EF 100mm f/2.8 macro. I have a decision to make and can't get through: Between a 5DmkII and 70-200 f/2.8L IS, which one should I buy first as my budget allows only one at a time? (still don't know when will be the next time [:(] )

It could also be a 7D instead of 5DmkII. My thought is whether to upgrade first the body and continue with the present lenses OR to buy a 70-200 f/2.8L IS which I've been dreaming of since longtime and go with my present body 450D?

I do portraits and landscapes. Thanks a lot for your advices...!

02-12-2010, 06:04 PM
Well, I'd go with the 70-200 (remember that the 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II is out) because you could buy that lens and then by the time you're ready for a body the 5D Mark III will probably be out (end 2010).

02-12-2010, 06:07 PM
Every time I answer this question, I say, "buy the glass." However, the 5DMKII is an absolutelydream for portraits and the way it opens up wide angle lenses for landscapes is amazing.

I absolutely love my 5DMKII. You will not regret buying one.

I do have the EF70-200mm F/2.8 L IS USM and it is one of my favorite lenses, but you can do a lot with the lenses you already own.

02-12-2010, 06:26 PM
Good point. If you only shoot portraits and landscape the 5D2 might be the better first purchase as the 100 macro can be used for portraits in the meanwhile.

Htet Kyi
02-12-2010, 06:29 PM
Well, I'd go with the 70-200 (remember that the 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II is out) because you could buy that lens and then by the time you're ready for a body the 5D Mark III will probably be out (end 2010).
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Yes...knowing that 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM is discontinued and the new version II might be out of my reach, this is what I think to do. Thanks bburns223!

02-12-2010, 06:31 PM
5DMkII and EF 24-105 4 IS L make my favorite lens+body combo. I'd go with the 5DMkII

Htet Kyi
02-12-2010, 06:39 PM
Every time I answer this question, I say, "buy the glass." However, the 5DMKII is an absolutelydream for portraits and the way it opens up wide angle lenses for landscapes is amazing.
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Yeah..you're also right Dallasphotog! I learnt much about the capacity of 5DmkII when it comes to portrait and landscape. I know how this body can be great for what I do. On the other hand, I love the sharpness and image quality that a 70-200 f/2.8L can give. That's why it's difficult to decide. I probably gotta play the lottery to buy them both at the same time :D

Daniel Browning
02-12-2010, 07:15 PM
I am a regular follower to the forum but participate for the first time.

It's great to have you!

I've got a rebel 450D with EF 24-105mm f/4L and EF 100mm f/2.8 macro. I have a decision to make and can't get through: Between a 5DmkII and 70-200 f/2.8L IS, which one should I buy first as my budget allows only one at a time? (still don't know when will be the next time Sad )

What's more important: landscapes or portraits? If the answer is portraits, go for the 70-200. If the answer is landscapes, go for the 5D2. I would advise most people to go with the 70-200, but it's a difficult choice -- there are lots of factors to consider.

One problem is that if you upgrade to the 5D2, you wont have a good portrait lens. All you'll have is the 105mm, which is not long enough for many portrait styles on full frame (I even like to go to 300mm). The 70-200 on the 450D will be too long for many shots, but at least you can switch to your 24-105 as needed.

If you upgrade to the 70-200, you wont have a good landscape lens: the 24-105 is perfect on the 5D2, but far too narrow on the 450D. Unless you don't like wide angle, that is.

If you're considering the 5D2 only for improved low light performance, then you might look at the 550D -- it will go a long ways toward reducing the gap at high ISO.

Whatever choice you pick I'm sure you'll be very pleased.

Htet Kyi
02-12-2010, 07:51 PM
Thanks a lot Daniel...!

I always noticed you in most of the topics because of your patient, preciseand detail explanation. Now, here you are...to my question too! Thanks!!!

What's more important: landscapes or portraits? If the answer is portraits, go for the 70-200. If the answer is landscapes, go for the 5D2. I would advise most people to go with the 70-200, but it's a difficult choice -- there are lots of factors to consider.

The answer is portraits. I do many outdoor portriats and thus, I think I'd go for the 70-200 as you advised. Besides, I love it for quite a longtime.

The 70-200 on the 450D will be too long for many shots, but at least you can switch to your 24-105 as needed.

If you upgrade to the 70-200, you wont have a good landscape lens: the 24-105 is perfect on the 5D2, but far too narrow on the 450D. Unless you don't like wide angle, that is.

Yes..I rent it and tried the other day. Indeed, it was quite long on my 450D. It's a good idea to alternate with 24-105 if need be.

True that..I won't have a good landscape lensthough I like also wide angle. But, when I really weigh between portrait and landscape, the priority goes to the first one for the moment at least.

Thanks again for making this clear!!!

02-13-2010, 01:25 AM
Everybody said go with 5D2. Sell your 450D to have extra money for your 5D2. You are going to love it!

02-21-2010, 06:42 PM
I'd also recommend the 5D MK II. Once you start using it, try it with some primes. I sold my 70-200mm F:/2.8 and kept my F4 version because its excellent to carry around, and, if i need a wider aperture,I use a prime.

02-21-2010, 06:58 PM
What's more important: landscapes or portraits? If the answer is portraits, go for the 70-200.

I personally find the 70-200mm too long for portraits on a crop body, certainly doesn't stop me using it but I'd like a little more flexibility at the wide end. I'll be purchasing the 24-70mm f/2.8 in the near future to account for this.

Don't discount the 70-200mm f/4L IS either - I am very happy with its performance. It'ssharper than the 2.8 and you really don't need thewider aperture for landscapes (might be nice for portraits though).You may benefit from having something a little more capable in low light.

I'm really not sure which way to advise you to be honest. I personally would love to upgrade from my 40D to a 5D mkII butI already have glass in that 70-200mm range(whereas you do not). I think for now you should go for the 70-200mm so you're covered a bit on the long end foryour inevitable switch to full frame.

Hope I didn't confuse you...I've definitely confused myself. [:)]

Cheers, Ben.

02-21-2010, 11:55 PM
It is truely a tuff decision. When I switched to digital I started shooting portraits with a 350D and a Tamron 17-50 then upgraded to a 400D and a 24-105 and a 100 f2. I have since upgraded to a 5D just before the 5D mkII came out. For portraits I think the 70-200 is a better choice than the 5DmkII. I have played with a 450D and was impressed with it. For portraits a 450D and a 24-105, 100f2.8 and 70-200 you will be able to get great results.


02-22-2010, 12:01 AM
I think you'll be happy with either choice (I own both). If it was me, I'd toss a coin. [:)]

Htet Kyi
02-22-2010, 03:35 AM
Thanks again for all your advices and logics..

I decided to go for the glass first then I'll see to buy between 70D and 5DmkII. Anyhow, I'll have both and it's a matter of time to complete my arsenal.

Even though 450D is somewhat limited in some functions, as clemmb said I should be ok with my previous 24-105 f/4L, 100 f/2.8L and forthcoming 70-200 f/2.8L for the moment. :)

Thank you all again!!

02-22-2010, 05:26 PM
If I were you I would get the 70-200 f4 IS. It is lighter and cheaper and also a pro lens.

70-200 2.8 IS is an excellent lens for portrait but it is so heavy as compared to other 70-200 FL. The MKII is coming out and MKI still have same price which might be increased (?).

Besides I have also heard that Canon body will give you good results (not the lenses) whereas Nikon is vice versa.

02-22-2010, 05:31 PM
Besides I have also heard that Canon body will give you good results (not the lenses) whereas Nikon is vice versa.

You better listen carefully on this forum [:P]

02-22-2010, 05:43 PM
Besides I have also heard that Canon body will give you good results (not the lenses) whereas Nikon is vice versa.
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And Fisheye lenses are designed to be used under water.

02-23-2010, 10:44 PM
What I meant is someone statement not mine.

I have to agree with that since I always set on manual to my 5d2 but AF for lens. I could not do this on Nikon D700 and any Nikon pro lens before (14-24G, 24-70G...).

05-01-2010, 01:56 PM
Welcome to the forum. This is a tough decision but I'd go with the 5dmk2. I have the 70-200 and love it but I honestly don't get to use it as much as I'd like. I end up going with the 24-70 f/2.8 but that's my own personal shooting preference. I think if you're more into landscapes you'll enjoy the full frame nature of the 5d. That said, the 70-200 does an excellent job for portraits.

So I would think about if you've been feeling a need for the extra length of the 70-200 or if you feel like you need faster glass then I'd go with the lens. I know when I had the 70-200 f/4 I could feel the limitation of the glass and needed to upgrade to the f/2.8 (I shoot indoors a lot). If you're feeling that pinch I'd go with the glass.

If you need video...well the lens won't help you much with that :D

Good luck with your purchase!

Htet Kyi
05-01-2010, 06:08 PM
Hi henytran,

Thanks a lot for your advice.

A week afterI posted this thread and with the help of many suggestions, I decided to buy first the glass. Now, I've got 70-200 f/2.8L and am very happy with it, even on my 450D.

Now, I am saving up again for my next purchase: 5DmkII. :) Thanks anyhow!