View Full Version : Focusing when it is dark and using off-camera strobes

02-15-2010, 01:01 PM
So I have been wondering this for a while. How do you focus if it is dark enough for your lens not to focus on its own and you are using a wireless transmitter in the hot shoe. When I have my 430EXII attached it is no issue because I have the af-assist, but when shooting strobist stlye I don't.

Sean Setters
02-15-2010, 01:26 PM
So I have been wondering this for a while. How do you focus if it is dark enough for your lens not to focus on its own and you are using a wireless transmitter in the hot shoe. When I have my 430EXII attached it is no issue because I have the af-assist, but when shooting strobist stlye I don't.
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Use a flashlight to pre-focus then set the focus to manual (and keep your subject and camera stationary).

02-15-2010, 01:30 PM
I feared that as an answer. Having used a cell phone is this situation I was hoping for a better solution. Like an ST-E2-like device (which would only af-assist) with another hot shoe on top of that. So that I can have af-assist and still use my strobes. Wouldn't that item sell? It seems that a few others online have the same issue.

Sean Setters
02-15-2010, 01:52 PM
The people that really need that functionality go with a 580EX mounted on the camera's hotshoe and use itforAF-assist as well as a master forfiring off-camera strobes (via built-in wireless or Radiopopper PXs). It's costly, yes, but not too many people are taking pictures with off-camera strobes when it's too dark to focus...else there would likely be a more affordable solution like you're wanting. There might be a product that fills your needs, but if there is, I haven't heard of it.

02-15-2010, 02:11 PM
Like an ST-E2-like device (which would only af-assist) with another hot shoe on top of that. So that I can have af-assist and still use my strobes. Wouldn't that item sell?
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I would buy one. Nikon has an off camera flash cord that has an auto focus assist on it. Why can't Canon add this to the off camera cord?

but not too many people are taking pictures with off-camera strobes when it's too dark to focus...
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Every wedding reception they turn down the lights for dancing and I need the auto focus assist. I use my 580EX on camera but would love to have a device to auto focus assist and radio slave my flashes.


Sean Setters
02-15-2010, 02:59 PM
Like an ST-E2-like device (which would only af-assist) with another hot shoe on top of that. So that I can have af-assist and still use my strobes. Wouldn't that item sell?
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

I would buy one. Nikon has an off camera flash cord that has an auto focus assist on it. Why can't Canon add this to the off camera cord?

but not too many people are taking pictures with off-camera strobes when it's too dark to focus...
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Every wedding reception they turn down the lights for dancing and I need the auto focus assist. I use my 580EX on camera but would love to have a device to auto focus assist and radio slave my flashes.

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I'm sorry, what I meant to say was that there aren't enough people clammoring for that functionality that the normal budget avenues have developed a solution. Those wedding shooters you're talking about can usually afford 580EXs and Radiopopper PX (or else they've learned how to deal with Canon's own wireless system).

Daniel Browning
02-15-2010, 06:51 PM
It would be really nice if Canon had a built-in focus assist lamp for these types of situations. For some situations it may be possible to use liveview.