View Full Version : which one is better? resubmit with new BW version

02-16-2010, 09:38 AM
As many have suggested that the conversion to BW is not proper

Here is a better processed/ converted BW for comparison.

Plz vote again

1. color version cropped


2. BW ver cropped


02-17-2010, 07:20 AM
I would say B&W, but only since it seems brighter to me, so it shows much more detail. If you would have the same brightness in the colored picture I would vote for that one.


02-17-2010, 08:33 AM
I agree than BW is better. The color is not that outstanding in the original color version anyway... But I like that misty atmosphere in the bottom BW.

02-17-2010, 09:32 AM
color version is brightened as Sheiky^^ suggested

02-17-2010, 12:32 PM
I do like the colored version more, the little more brightness shows more detail of the building, which I like. It just seems to have more detail in it. I'm not sure but maybe a little more contrast will do good, also: what is the main subject in this picture? The misty atmosphere or the building or something else? You might want to let the subject pop-out a little more. That's just my idea. I'm not really sure what exactly I'm looking at.

By the way, I clicked your personal link on your account. Where do you live? India or something? Looks very good to me [Y]

And what exactly are you planning to do with this picture?

Thanks a lot, Jan

02-17-2010, 01:16 PM
No the subject (or rather what I tried to capture) is the mastic environment.

Thanks for visiting my profile. I live in Kolkata, India.

At this moment I am editing my pictures. I want to make 'my favorites' album.

Members of this forum are putting forward good suggestions in my effort. In the past I have created this kind of thread and I will do more in future.

02-17-2010, 08:42 PM
I would go for a bit of both actually.

Here is what I came up with in photoshop:
