View Full Version : My Pocket Wizards Had Arrived! (Image Intensive)

02-22-2010, 10:29 AM
Just got two PW Flex TT5s added to my arsenal (my first). Never been happier with an off cam flash.

Here's some sample shots using my PW. Camera is 50D, full manual setting, flash is 580 EXII using E-TTL automatic mode. Converted in DPP, no additional editing (I'm was too excited to show the output here).


Here's my two Flexes.


Don't we love this brand? :)

http://images.shonenred.multiply.com/image/1/photos/55/500x500/36/IMG-0231.JPG?et=C47B%2CWsWfmlF%2CIIcX5G6vQ&nmid=319542 860

My current flash gels/diffusers - Blue, Yellow and Translucent white.




Don't know where that dark banding on the left came to be? I wasn't shooting in hypersync but rather at 1/30 shutter speed.

http://images.shonenred.multiply.com/image/1/photos/55/500x500/28/IMG-0220.JPG?et=D%2BTxWrt0JdnyX79YKibezQ&nmid=31954286 0

http://images.shonenred.multiply.com/image/1/photos/55/500x500/31/IMG-0225.JPG?et=0kTEGcddgYdGnwP%2CNC1n9w&nmid=31954286 0



More here: http://shonenred.multiply.com/photos/album/55/Flex_TT5_Practice_Shots

Comments and Criticism welcome.

So what's next? Flash gels? (I found Rosco
kit (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/649244-REG/Rosco__Strobist_55_Piece_Filter_Kit.html) to be perfect) Or a lightstand set (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/564656-REG/Westcott_2202_Apollo_Speedlight_Set_.html)?

02-22-2010, 12:07 PM
BTW, are the images working? Seems ok on my end.

Sean Setters
02-22-2010, 12:35 PM
Images are coming through just fine. I'd suggest some light stands, umbrella swivels, and umbrellas. ;-)

02-22-2010, 12:46 PM
Would this do? http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/564656-REG/Westcott_2202_Apollo_Speedlight_Set_.html Any other cheaper recommendations?[:)]

Sean Setters
02-22-2010, 01:46 PM
I bought that exact thing. The light coming from the Westcott Apollo is certainly nice. You're able to control spill relatively well. However, it can be cumbersome to set up and use if you have to adjust the light output manually. As your Pocketwizards will negate that need, I suppose the Apollo would work well for you. A big negative, though, is that you have limited freedom of movement to position the softbox outside of the normal straight up-and-down. Using a mounting arm (bought separately or created on your own) can alleviate that problem.

If I were you, I'd do a search on ebay for "Speedlight Softbox." There you'll find a variety of sizes of collapsible softboxes that, I've found, are much easier to use (I have a similarALZO branded 15" softbox that is just great...small, but great).

02-22-2010, 01:48 PM
Images are coming through just fine. I'd suggest some light stands, umbrella swivels, and umbrellas. ;-)
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Oh yes, umbrellas with stands are so nice. Can't stop thanking Sean for putting me on that path. In particular, I like the umbrellas that can do both diffuse reflection as well as diffusion. When you get the lights up relatively close, it's nice filling yet still directional light. Before learning how to bounce it, I always hated flash. Now, if I've got the time to do the setup, I really dig it.

Sean Setters
02-22-2010, 03:34 PM
In particular, I like the umbrellas that can do both diffuse reflection as well as diffusion.

Speaking of the big white umbrella, I used a single strobe bounced off of one for this shot (I set up the light, Amber took the shot):

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2763/4374995160_f7da5f63d5.jpg ("http://www.flickr.com/photos/budrowilson/4374995160/)

We were shooting in shade. Notice how the light from the umbrella on my far side really adds dimension to the photo that is flattering yet realistic. The umbrella softened the light, but yet it still melds quite well into the composition. One flash, light stand, an umbrella, and a means of triggering can make all the difference...

02-23-2010, 01:18 AM
And, besides getting a glint in your eye, you're a snappy dresser!