View Full Version : 7D bells and whistles

bob williams
03-12-2010, 09:16 PM
As I sit here impatiently waiting for my 7D to be returned from Canon (Expected Arrival Monday), I have been going through the user manual and the Canon videos trying to familiarize myself with the camera. I couldn't help but wonder what your favorite features on this new camera body. With what little I know about this camera, two things seem to really impress me.The custom control/button settings and the various AF settings, especially the Zone AF. So, what are your favorite features of this new camera?

Sean Setters
03-12-2010, 09:51 PM
So far I haven't been totally impressed with Zone AF. I found the results to be much better using single point focus (although, maybe that should be expected). Other than that, I love the movie mode...it's certainly a blast to play around with. Other than that, I like the fact that you can use the RC-1 remote with it (that has come in handy).

I must admit I was really looking forward to using the pop-up to wirelessly control my 580EX. However, I haven't put forth enough effort to familiarize myself that particular function quite yet.

Keith B
03-13-2010, 12:06 AM
Tomorrow will be my first real field test with the 7D. It has been raining here since Wednesday so I haven't had too much of a chance to use it a whole lot. So far I am just blown away by the build quality and the AF customization capabilities. I excited about the weather sealing too. I have been caught in the rain a few times with my 40D with out problems but now I won't be as stressed.

The view finder is incredible too. The ability to turn grids on and off and the extra focus points do make a difference.

I am looking forward to using the built in wireless too. I'll be able to have two cameras ready and set to fire my lights with out having to stop and change anything, ST-E2 or lenses. That is going to be very nice. I have to shoot a model for her portfolio in two weeks and I plan on the using my 5DII with 24-70 and the ST-E2 then have my 7D set up with 70-200 2.8 IS. The flow should be so good.

I like that image size is in the ball park with my 5DII also. I hating handing over images that were 21MP accompanied by 10MP from my 40D.

03-13-2010, 03:05 AM
I'm really enjoying the wireless flash control. Always nice when you can add functionality and not have yet another piece of gear to carry around or worry about.

Of course, I've enjoyed it so much that I just HAD to buy another speedlite...

03-13-2010, 07:03 AM
Keith - just wondering, what kind of rain? small water drops? or *real rain*? and what lens was on the camera at that time?

Keith B
03-13-2010, 10:01 AM
Keith - just wondering, what kind of rain? small water drops? or *real rain*? and what lens was on the camera at that time?

You mean with the 40D? I've been caught in the rain several times. Mostly light rain, I'm usually using my 100-400 on it so I put it away pretty quick but two weeks ago I was shooting some little league games and it was real rain. I was expecting bad weather so I put the 70-200 2.8 IS on since it was weather proof and the 100-400 isn't.

My 5DII I've only had it in the ever so lightest rain for a very brief time.

03-13-2010, 12:19 PM
I meant 40D - thx.

Keith B
03-13-2010, 09:18 PM
I am a true believer! The 7D's AF and servo are unbelievable. The only time the server missed was when I missed. It was remarkable. If the 1D4 is better my mind will fry if I ever use it. The 7D picks subjects up fast and stays locked on them. I used the zone AF and it seemed to be dead on with servo. I didn't use anything else since I was having great success with it.

I couldn't be happier.

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
03-15-2010, 10:43 PM
Hi Keith, I'm glad to that you enjoy your 7D so much. I had a day of testing the 7D's AI servo AF, during that timeI didn't get much of fly opportunities, but when I did the AF seemed to work very well. I will give it more test this coming weeks when the terns start to arrive at Bolsa Chica. One thing that I notice about my 7D is that straight out of the camerathe colors are a bit less contrasty then my 40D, the colors don't really pop. I'm still using the Standard Picture Style so perhaps I need to spend more time withall the picture styles. I know I can't compare my 40D to my 7D because every camera model is different, I'm just bringing this up to see if anyone with the 7D noticed this.

Also this is my first time of owning a camera with high resolution LCD, I love it because it's bright, sharp, the colors are beautiful and I don't have to remove my sunglasses to view the images. However, I have to say that the LCD can be a two edged sword. Could this be my problem? Images looks too nice on the LCD comparing to the actual images when viewed on the computer?

03-15-2010, 10:59 PM
However, I have to say that the LCD can be a two edged sword. Could this be my problem? Images looks too nice on the LCD comparing to the actual images when viewed on the computer?

I have the same problem. Images that look contrasty, bright and well exposed on the Camera LCD look dull, underexposed, dark and grey when viewed on my black MacBook. However, when I download them onto an LED screen they look good again.

03-15-2010, 11:10 PM
I have the same problem. Images that look contrasty, bright and well exposed on the Camera LCD look dull, underexposed, dark and grey when viewed on my black MacBook. However, when I download them onto an LED screen they look good again.

Hey Brendan! I have found the colors on my CCFL-backlit 17" MacBook Pro look much more 'real' and have more pop, and the images look properly exposed, after calibration of the LCD display with myX-rite i1 (Eye-One) Display 2 ("http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Gretag-Macbeth-i1-Eye-One-Display-Review.aspx). Calibration also eliminated the 'blown-out' (oversaturated) reds and magentas that were annoying with the Apple LCD color profile. In fact, the contrast and saturation now look much closer to what I see when I view the same images on my wife's unibody MacBook (which has an LED backlight and the wider gamut that comes with it).

Keith B
03-15-2010, 11:47 PM
Hi Keith, I'm glad to that you enjoy your 7D so much.

Thanks Nate!

I hope you discover the same bliss I have. I have noticed the images to be a little flat in the Standard pic style, but I think my 40D was similar. I think I'm going to bump my saturation a notch and see what that does. The shots I've taken so far, I have just applied a slight s-curve in PS.

I have one suggestion that you may already know. I'm getting great results with Servo and AF Zone and I've read others have not had as much luck. I switched C.fn III AF Tracking Method to Continuous AF Track Priority. I also set the Servo Sensitivity to Fast.


03-16-2010, 10:43 AM
One of my favorite features that hasn't been mentioned yet is the orientation-linked AF points. To me that is killer!

And the screen is indeed beautiful, I'm glad Canon is updating all their screen to this new gap-filled design.


03-16-2010, 10:55 AM
So, what are your favorite features of this new camera?

The 100% 1.0x viewfinder, the integrated wireless flash control, and the ability to customize all the buttons. 8 fps is not too bad, either...

Bill W
03-16-2010, 11:44 AM
Nate and Keith....finding the same bland colors w/mypix....need bumping in PP.

Heading over to Plum Island a little later to try your (Keith's) suggestions on BIFs w/a bump in saturation.

Keith B
03-16-2010, 07:26 PM
I'm an idiot. Anyone who was taking advise from me on the AF method I was using, I said I was using AF Zone but I was actually using AF point expansion. All other info I spewed was correct though.

bob williams
03-16-2010, 09:01 PM
Finally, got my 7D last night, Canon was a little slow on this turn-around. Anyway, I sat here last night and went through the menu functions, set-up etc. Man, I love the ability to customize controls. When shooting manually, I can actually set it up to where I have one control for each of the most common functions: Aperture on one wheel, Shutter speed on one wheel, focus on one button and and focus point selection/group selection on the multi-directional controller. I can almost change the ISO whithout looking at the control panel. This camera just feels right to me. The only thing that is a little odd to me is that I can't seem to get the the focus points to stay red. But I can get used to that or figure out how to keep them red. I really like the grid function in the viewfinder as well.

Many of you had comments about the lack of contrast, saturation etc in the standard picture style. Since I normally post process in Lightroom, I am not used to having the picture style adjustments available, so I am hoping that won't be much of a problem.

Now, for the real business----I have to get off of this!@#$% ("!@#$%)^& computer and go shooting to see what this baby can really do----

Thanks for all of your pointers, comments and discussion so far,I am looking forward to reading more---don't stop now.


Sean Setters
03-16-2010, 09:19 PM
I'm an idiot. Anyone who was taking advise from me on the AF method I was using, I said I was using AF Zone but I was actually using AF point expansion. All other info I spewed was correct though.
<div style="clear: both;"]</div>

Ahh...ok. I haven't played with AF expansion much yet. Maybe that will work better..

Keith B
03-16-2010, 09:30 PM
Yeah, sorry about that. Definitely try it. It is actually disabled by default. I bet it will help along with Continuous AF track priority.

bob williams
03-16-2010, 10:15 PM
Ok, I went out and shot some of my dog (Sam) chasing the ball. My initial impressions are simply "WOW" My 400D nor my 50D ever performed like this. In Zone AF Servo, I probably had a 50-70% hit rate on a very fast dog--handheld, manual exposure. 24-105L @100mm. Here are a couple of shots---both 100% crops



So Far, I am thrilled. Can't wait to take it out on a real test.