View Full Version : Canon 450D locking up??

03-14-2010, 05:00 PM
So one of my cameras, a 450D , and the camera is randomly slowing down... Happens infrequently but the f/ & shutter speed will lag. If I move the wheel a stop or more, then half press the shutter button, the change will show up...
Anyone exp this problem before? The firmware is up to date.

03-14-2010, 06:56 PM
Did this problem occur recently or out the box? If this is something new, did it happen suddenly or gradually? Was anything done to the camera around that time?

Try to change the mentioned settings when the battery is just fully charged. The next test would be trying the body with different lenses and seeing if the problem persists. Another thing to consider would be resetting the menu to factory settings.

03-22-2010, 03:28 AM
The problem has justoccurredrecently. at 10k shots. Only change was the lens. I'm not getting the issue at the moment...so no idea, pretty odd though. I'll reset to factory settings if the problem happens again. thanks.