View Full Version : Show & Tell from Sunday - All 300mm f/4

Shea Design
03-15-2010, 03:18 PM
Finally got the 24mm Tilter off my camera body and returned to my love affair with the 300mm f/4. As usual taken while biking around town...

First up I notice a bunch of old roadsters cruising the 101, so I setup south of the landmark (Swamis) and snagged these time travelers - f/4 (naturally), 1/800th iso 50:

These guys had all 3 disc flying at once and were nice enough to take a little direction - f/4 1/1250th iso 100:

There was about 80 people doing yoga, 1 official photog & 3 street shooters like myself - f/4 1/1250th iso 100:

You have to shoot early for these, I'm hoping to get a real good one some day (same exif):

That's all for now - got some design work to get to. -Shea

03-15-2010, 04:40 PM

It's photo's like these that make me want to go out and buy this lens!


03-15-2010, 05:14 PM
Very nice shots, I like all of them, but the first one is just amazing. I like the idea of B&W conversion.

Shea Design
03-15-2010, 06:38 PM
Thanks! Yeah with these characters behind the glass a B&W was calling.. And I had just engaged AI Servo when this blue trike came along!



Obviously the guy has spotted me!