View Full Version : Reducing an HDR

bob williams
03-22-2010, 10:01 PM
I have a 105 MBHDR TIFF that I would like to reduce to 24 Mb without loss of size or resolution---how do I do this? I am sure the obvious awaits me. I have DPP, Lightroom and photosop. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Todd Ovick
03-22-2010, 10:15 PM
what type of file are you wanting to save it as? sounds like you might need to compress the original .tiff file.

sorry for the edits but, is this HDR tiff file you created in photmatix? if so, i use PS4 to "squish" my photomatix edits' for e-mail and web purposes. I always save my original photomatix 16bit tiff file for printing and if needed, PS edits.

bob williams
03-23-2010, 12:10 AM
what type of file are you wanting to save it as?

Jpeg or a smaller Tiff

is this HDR tiff file you created in photmatix


The problem is I would like to upload to a website for full size viewing or download, but it only allows 24 mb files.

Todd Ovick
03-23-2010, 12:50 AM
Bob, the quick way to do this is to open the .tiff file in PS and click on "file" and scroll down to "save for web and devices" from there you should see a lot of options. I would keep "quality" at 100% or maximum, compress it as a progressive .JPG, with embeded color profile. below the image you might see the file size. I am doing this realtime as I write so, my 76MB photomatix file is being compressed to 10MB. I would hope that the website would resize your image automatically to fit its' website parameters.

If it like this site (TDP) i would suggest opening the image in PS, click on image and scroll down to "image size" and change your pixel dimensions to someting like 800x600 with a resolution at 72 or 96ppi with the "scale styles," "Constrain proportions," and "Resample Image" boxes clicked on. The drop down menu for "resample Image" should be set to "bicubic sharper," because you are reducing the image size. and export the image accordingly. Lately i Have been setting my web resolution to 96ppi and have read that standard web resolutions are at either 72ppi ad/or 96ppi. I do not think that you are creating a file for the website to make a final print from but rather for them to display your photo at a generous resolution.

i hope this helps...maybe some one else on the forum has some further suggestions.


bob williams
03-23-2010, 02:13 AM
Thanks todd, I'll give it a shot. I appreciate your time.

Thanks again,
