View Full Version : Downsizing for the web

03-25-2010, 10:38 PM
Does anyone know a way to 'batch' process large groups of photos for sending in email and posting on the web.

My 5-10-15 MB files need to be downsized to 300-500kb.

I want to do files of 25-50 at a time.

Please explain what program and the process.

03-25-2010, 10:53 PM
I use Photoshop Elements 7. It has a batch process option.Before I start I create a folder to down load them to so they don't overwrite the original. Once you hit the batch process option you will select the folder that holds the pictures then select the folder the process folders will go to. You can set the size you want. I typically use 800xaspect ratio at 300 ppi which will limit the print size to something like 2.**x2.** inches.If you want the folks to be able to print what you send them then change the 300 ppi to something lower like between 72-150 ppi.I also save as the highest jpeg setting put you could do it lower and save some kbs. You can also add a water mark to the photos if you choose to or a caption.

03-26-2010, 02:38 AM
Canons DPP does batch processing too. I usually set the maximum dimension somewhere between 600-800, depending on the environment... (800 for here, 600 for something like facebook or whatever)

Shea Design
03-26-2010, 01:52 PM
You probably want to sharpen those resampled images too, so consider recording a macro to apply a decent 'average' unsharp mask to the set of images.

'Actions' in PS speak.


Chuck Lee
03-29-2010, 02:20 PM
Does anyone know a way to 'batch' process large groups of photos for sending in email and posting on the web.

I use Irfanview.Greatfreeware program with a ton of batch post proccessing features. resize, sharpen, label, etc.

Forpost examplesI use zenfolio. No need to resize and sharpen. Zenfolio does a great job.