View Full Version : Pano w/100-400

Bill W
04-10-2010, 09:00 AM
This is a Great Blue Heron rookery consisting of 7 pix, though cropped on the L & R borders.

7D, 100-400 held vertically, f16, 1/200, ISO 500 at 100mm....C&C encouraged.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2267/4507100089_d1e463799d_o.jpg ("http://www.flickr.com/photos/29409592@N03/4507100089/)

04-10-2010, 10:19 AM
Bill, that's a beautiful photo. A pano with a 100-400? Impressive [H]

On my screen at least it's underexposed, brighten it up and add some contrast and you should be good :)

Bill W
04-10-2010, 10:43 AM
thanks Brendan....yeah,this copy isunderexposed. My orig is fine, the exposure changes when I transfer to flickr....?????

This lens is on my camera 90% of the time when I'm outside....it's versatility can't be beat, but w/that said; I'd like to see Canon put out a MKll w/a fixed f4.

04-10-2010, 10:52 AM
This lens is on my camera 90% of the time when I'm outside....it's versatility can't be beat, but w/that said; I'd like to see Canon put out a MKll w/a fixed f4

That'd likely cost over $4000 and kill any market for the 400 DO. But hey, it would MURDER Nikon's 200-400, which I have used and is tempting me to switch to Nikon. Let's keep dreaming [:D]

Jon Ruyle
04-10-2010, 12:07 PM
Nice. I like the mood set by the color, and the composition. I like how the trees (twigs?) are balanced in the frame. My only nit would be that the horizon seems a little crooked. If so, it can be fixed.

That'd likely cost over $4000 and kill any market for the 400 DO

Sad, if true. It implies that the only reason for the 400 DO is that it is a 400mm f/4, and has nothing to do with it having DO. If so, why don't they make an ordinary 400mm f/4 prime?

I'm sure they know what they are doing... just seems like a gap to me.

04-10-2010, 01:51 PM
Sad, if true. It implies that the only reason for the 400 DO is that it is a 400mm f/4, and has nothing to do with it having DO. If so, why don't they make an ordinary 400mm f/4 prime?

Normally DO would be a nice addition, but the 400 f/4 is now $1000 more expensive and produces uncontrasty and unsharp images wide open; and many photographers stop it down, effectively wasting $4500. A normal, 400 f/4 prime with IS for $3000-3700 would be my next lens in a heartbeat. I'm still dreaming.

Bill W
04-11-2010, 07:33 AM
They're all trees in various states of decomposition Jon....giving the swamp, along w/the fog that morning, a very primordial feel.

I put the grid on my original pic Jon and had to do a little balancing of the H & V lines....the trees, used in the rookery, are relatively straight which only allowed a little ccw straightening, but it did make a nice difference....thank you.

I really had been concentrating on the trees....always good to have some "fresh" eyes' opinion.

04-11-2010, 03:27 PM
Nice shot(s) Bill! I kinda like the dark feel about it. It looks a bit like the "haunted swamps" in some movies. I like the foggyness. Makes the picture more interesting. I still want to see your original exposed image though before you put it online. I'd like to see the difference.

The only flaw I see is the horizonlevel that's all, but that has been said already.

Nice one. It never really occurred to me to make a panorama with a tele-lens, don't ask me why because I don't see the logic either [:P]


04-11-2010, 05:35 PM
Can't get the full appreciation of this image on the web. Would be great to see full size in a print or on canvas to appreciate this technique. Ive got a 900 hundred dollar 360precision pano head with the PTGui software where I wish I had the urgency to do more with it. From time to time I get hired to do 360 degree interior shots from resorts where they turn out pretty good. I don't do the editing on them where they get sent to Australia for processing. I need to learn how to do the additional up view and the down view to get the true 360 stitch.

Jon Ruyle
04-11-2010, 05:43 PM
They're all trees in various states of decomposition

Cool. Much better than twigs :)

Sometimes it's tough, even when you use the level lines. As you say, the trees are straight. Ah, imperfect world.

Congrats on a nice photo.

04-11-2010, 05:52 PM
Very nice job Bill, I like it a lot, spooky. I believe all photos should tell a story and this is one you just want to ask more questions about.


04-11-2010, 06:37 PM
Great shot Bill - looks bloody cold to me!

Bill W
04-12-2010, 02:33 PM
Thank you everybody for your constructive input and compliments.

btaylor...normal spring day here in New England; the temp was near average at 50* F (28 C)....almost bathing suit weather. LOL



04-12-2010, 07:19 PM
I'd love a 28 dec C day for a change! It's been over 40 deg C here since mid November [:S]

04-13-2010, 08:44 AM
I'd love a 28 dec C day for a change! It's been over 40 deg C here since mid November /emoticons/emotion-7.gif

It's like 10 degrees C MAX like 5 months now here, I would kill for a 28C day, nah not serious, but I would like it a lot! But spring is coming and the sun finally shows off a little more, away with the grayish weather! Sunshine! [H] Finally temperatures start to rise again, also the grayish weather was really a pain in the ass for nice photos. Shooting nice landscapes with a dull and evenly gray sky isn't as fun as it sounds [;)]