View Full Version : Photo Merging

04-16-2010, 12:05 PM
My question is primarily for a method to merge two pictures in photoshop (elements 7). I mean, I took two exposures with me in two different positions; how do I merge them into a single picture?

I tried with the pictures on two different layers and then adjusting the trasparency, but all I could accomplish was to have two faded pictures me on the background...

So, any suggestion on how to do it?



04-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Andy I assume you took 2 pictures of yourself in different poses on the same composition? 2 photos taken from a tripod, or other static point and at manual exposure?

If so just lay the layers on top of each other and start erasing parts of the top layer you don't want to see. At least that's how I would do it.

Also maybe youtube has some videos for you. Everytime I'm stuck with photoshop or any other program I search youtube. There are a lot of helpfull videos out there who can teach you step by step.

Good luck!


04-16-2010, 02:47 PM
thanks Jan!!!

yes I took two pictures of me in two different poses in the same composition, with the camera on the tripod....i'll search youtube, you're right...haha ;)

04-17-2010, 04:56 PM
I used this trick about a month ago for these shots:

- Almost empty road. Just the car that I wanted to shoot in the back of this picture, where I didn't want it [:P]


Next shot is the car that I did want there, but with a roadtrain of 2 other cars behind it, which I didn't want there!!! [:P]


The 3rd shot is the shot how I wanted it to be. The hardest part was removing the part of the car behind the subjectcar which you could see trough the backwindow of the first car.


Good luck with your shot!


04-23-2010, 03:27 PM
So, here's what I got....I'm not really good with photoshop, and you can see it from this picture..but still, I got the result I wanted to have. Thanks Sheiky for the help.

(please, do not consider the exposure and the noise, I wasn't really paying attention to that...I just wanted to get the grip on what to do in photoshop ;) )



04-23-2010, 04:48 PM
(please, do not consider the exposure and the noise, I wasn't really paying attention to that...I just wanted to get the grip on what to do in photoshop ;) )

Well Andy, I believe you succeeded [Y] Looks like an interesting game, who won? [A]

I'm not really good with photoshop

Me neither, but youtube is a very good friend of mine and she knows about everything about photoshop [8-|]

Good luck experimenting!


04-23-2010, 05:05 PM
Great idea Andy, and I think the execution is quite good. I'm not sure I'd be able to do even what you did in PS.

I've got one question. The version of you on the right....I feel like I should be able to see your nose from the angle it's taken from, but I can't see it. Almost like the processing cut it off? Or is my perspective screwed up?

04-24-2010, 04:48 AM
No you're right, I must have cut it off, but you know why? It was really tiny, i couldn't see it...and I actually didn't notice that i was noseless until i read your post...hahaha

I'll have that fixed as soon as I have some time ;)
