View Full Version : Using 9 Point AF in T1i

05-02-2010, 05:21 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am new to digital SLRs. I am currently using T1i and would like to know how to take pictures using all 9 AF points? is there a way to use all 9AF at the same time? or if I am taking a shot where I want everything to be sharp or focused what are my best options? Any assistance would be great and thanks in advance.


05-02-2010, 06:50 PM
To get more things in focus you need to close the aperture. Pick up a copy of DSLRs for Dummies[/i] (http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Cameras-Photography-Dummies-Computer/dp/0470466065/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=books&amp;qid=1248359915&amp;sr=8-1]<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; color: #3366cc;)by David Busch (http://www.dbusch.com/]<span style="color: #3366cc;)it'll explain aperture pretty clearly. The Photography Bible (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Photography-Bible/Lezano/e/9780715325995/?itm=1][i]<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; color: #3366cc;) by Daniel Lezano (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?ATH=Daniel+Lezano]<span style="color: #3366cc;)explains aperture pretty clearly as well.

05-02-2010, 07:14 PM
If you're in auto AF point selection mode, it will select from among the 9 points for the closest one or ones (if more than one are on the same place) that is/are in focus. If you're shooting a flat wall square-on, that's all the points. If you're shooting a 'real' scene, the aperture selected will determine depth of field, and the larger the f-stop number (meaning the smaller the aperture), the deeper the depth of field/focus.

+1 on the suggestion to read an introductory book, or take an introductory class!

05-02-2010, 08:22 PM
It's amazing to me how slow people can be to learn what aperture does and what f-stops are. I purchased a 35mm Rebel G in 1997 but didn't learn about aperture realy did until in antisipation of getting a DSLR, in 2008,I purchased several photography books by David Busch (http://www.dbusch.com/]<span style="color: #3366cc;)starting withDSLRs for Dummies[/i] (http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Cameras-Photography-Dummies-Computer/dp/0470466065/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;s=books&amp;qid=1248359915&amp;sr=8-1]<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; color: #3366cc;)<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif';"],<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; color: #3366cc;"]<span id="btAsinTitle"]Digital SLR Pro Secrets (http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Digital-Photography-David-Busch/dp/1598634011/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_5]Mastering Digital SLR Photography[/url], and [url="http://www.amazon.com/Digital-SLR-Secrets-David-Busch/dp/1598630199/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2]<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; color: #3366cc;)<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif';"].I alsohave The Photography Bible (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Photography-Bible/Lezano/e/9780715325995/?itm=1][i]<span style="font-family: 'Arial', 'sans-serif'; color: #3366cc;) by Daniel Lezano (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/results.asp?ATH=Daniel+Lezano]<span style="color: #3366cc;). I'drecommend any or all of thesefor beginners.

05-02-2010, 08:34 PM
You really should learn to manually select aperture, and use Av mode, as others are suggesting.

In the meantime, the T1i also has the A-Dep mode. When in this mode, the camera will attempt to focus on each of the points, and choose an aperture that gets everything in focus, as best it can. It takes longer to made a shot, as the camera may focus 9 times before shooting.

05-02-2010, 11:29 PM
Thank you everyone for your help and all the suggestions. I will try A-Dep mode as well as the books mentioned. I am very thankful to everyone for their prompt replies and valuable information. I will be checking with your guys/gals for more suggestions later on.
