View Full Version : Shutter Count 5D?

05-11-2010, 05:43 PM
Hi All -

I'm curious if anyone knows a way to get the shutter count out of the 5D; the actual number of activations. (the 5D original)

I do not want to return this beauty (it's in superb condition - love you Canon owners![Y]) but B&H gives you 2 weeks to return practically anything you buy from them. So it would be nice to know how many activations this body has, to complete the evaluation before the 2 weeks is up...

In any case - man oh man what a difference from the 40D! Naturally there's good and bad but the good is so good...the VF is shockingly bright and the 17-40 - I nearly dropped the camera when I saw what 17mm really looks like.

Now if I can just learn to make good pictures I'll be all set. [:P]

Thanks for any thoughts you care to share...!

(btw there's a great program for the 40D if anyone needs that - it works
perfectly on mine - but unfortunately it's not able to get the 5D
shutter count. Here's the link for the 40D app: http://astrojargon.net/EOSInfo.aspx ("http://astrojargon.net/EOSInfo.aspx)
There's also a Mac version.)

05-12-2010, 12:32 PM
well it's been a day - no replies. But it doesn't matter. I think you could tell me this body had a million activations and I still wouldn't return it...

now I finally get to see what this L glass can really do...

Mark Elberson
05-12-2010, 12:35 PM
Hey canoli,

A while back this question was asked and I don't remember anyone having an answer back then either. Enjoy your "new" 5D :-)

05-12-2010, 01:07 PM
I think if you cut shutter button in half and count the number of rings you'll be able to tell how many actuations there have been. Kind oflike an old tree [:P]

Have fun with the new toy, the 5D's still a fantastic camera.

05-12-2010, 01:24 PM
I think if you cut shutter button in half

...you'll remove half of the actuations on the camera. Kind of like rolling back an odometer. [:P]

I'm curious if anyone knows a way to get the shutter count out of the 5D; the actual number of activations. (the 5D original)

So it would be nice to know how many activations this body has, to complete the evaluation before the 2 weeks is up...

The only way to determine the number of actuations on a 5D MkI is to take or send the lens in to a Canon Service Center - they have software that can pull that info from the camera. There's one in Jamesburg, NJ.

Sean Setters
05-12-2010, 01:26 PM
This thread was the catalyst for me spending about 25 minutes of combing the internet for the answer. I came up with nothing. From what I can tell, no one found a way to calculate shutter actuations on the original 5D.

Mark Elberson
05-12-2010, 02:26 PM
This thread was the catalyst for me spending about 25 minutes of combing the internet for the answer. I came up with nothing. From what I can tell, no one found a way to calculate shutter actuations on the original 5D.
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

A while back this question was asked and I don't remember anyone having an answer back then either.

I told you ;-)

Keith B
05-12-2010, 06:32 PM
(btw there's a great program for the 40D if anyone needs that - it works
perfectly on mine - but unfortunately it's not able to get the 5D
shutter count. Here's the link for the 40D app: http://astrojargon.net/EOSInfo.aspx ("http://astrojargon.net/EOSInfo.aspx)
There's also a Mac version.)

Thanks for this info. I was wondering what the count was on my 5DII.

31,456. I thought it was going to be 40k+.

05-12-2010, 07:02 PM
Ha! you guys...[:)] So just count the rings eh? Perfectly simple! ...so nice when someone is kind enough to tell you... [:P]

Many times I tried to imagine the impact of a FF sensor on some of my 40D images. But either my imagination is poor or these FF jobs really are a whole 'nother world. Because nothing prepared me for that "wow!" moment when I saw what a 17mm FOV really is, or what a bright, wide VF does for my vision. Or best of all, seeing that gentle fall-off into bokeh from some good glass...

Or to put it another way - I'm lovin' it! [8-|]

Keith B
05-12-2010, 07:25 PM
When my 40D was my only body, I use to shoot everything with my 24 1.4 because I loved it so much. Then when I got my 5DII I felt like "I don't know you any more!" with that lens. It was so much wider than what I was used to it was a shell shock. Thank goodness for the 35 1.4.

I made the statement on here once, that "everyone eventually gets the FF bug" (big mistake) and I was hammered on it. I still feel, if you don't want full frame you haven't tried full frame or everything you shoot is sports or wildlife.

As great as my 7D is and all the things it does better, the 5DII is still my go to favorite body. There is just something about a FF image.

05-12-2010, 08:24 PM
I still feel, if you don't want full frame you haven't tried full frame

Ha! well that is certainly how I'm feeling.

Supposedly a crop sensor uses the "best part" of the glass. While that may be true, to see these lenses perform when they're on a body they were designed for...well it's pretty amazing is all I can say right now. (I really can't even imagine what the MKII is like if the original is this good!)

Unfortunately it's been raining all day in NYC so I haven't even been out shooting yet. I am so psyched to try some of my fav sunrise 40D spots...I haven't put it on a tripod yet, used the mirror lockup, a remote shutter release... !!!!..."psyched" is the word...!!!!

They say the best camera is the one you have with you - I have a new permanent appendage..!

Chuck Lee
05-12-2010, 09:02 PM
In any case - man oh man what a difference from the 40D! Naturally there's good and bad but the good is so good...the VF is shockingly bright and the 17-40 - I nearly dropped the camera when I saw what 17mm really looks like.

Congrats on the new purchase. FF is a whole new world to enjoy for someone coming from ASP-C. I did the same thing. Bought a used 5D in the fall of 08 and absolutely love it. The clean low light stuff is what takes it over the top for me. I'm actually thinking about selling my 40D. There's no Langley Air Power Over Hampton Roads this year. That's the last time I used my 40. It makes my 70-200 a bit longer.


05-13-2010, 11:07 AM
Ya - I hear ya Chuck. I go out to the U.S. Open (tennis) every year and the 40D / 70-200 gives me really nice reach everywhere but the stadium. I want to keep it for those 2 weeks when a 1.6x is a real advantage.

I wonder if those 2 weeks will be the only time I use the 40D anymore...

05-13-2010, 06:12 PM
Not sure how relevant this is any more, but a while back I found an open source plug in for the Canon software that would read shutter actuations from any Canon camera (I think). It worked successfully with my XSi/450D. Unfortunately, I don't have that software installed here at work, so I'll have to post the name and link when I get home. (if I can remember)

05-13-2010, 06:28 PM
Found it! The program is called EOSInfo and will work on any DIGIC III or DIGIC IV Camera (except the 500D). It's free, and you can get it here;


05-13-2010, 06:38 PM
Found it! The program is called EOSInfo and will work on any DIGIC III or DIGIC IV Camera (except the 500D). It's free, and you can get it here;


Did you have to look hard to find it? All I had to do was scroll up and read the first post in this very thread! [;)]

The OP is asking about an original 5D, which has a DIGIC II processor - the program you (and the OP) provide the link for doesn't work with the original 5D.

Thanks for trying, though!

The answer is unchanged - there is no way for a use to determine shutter count on an original 5D, only Canon can do that.

05-13-2010, 07:23 PM
DOH! I blame lack of caffiene causing skimming!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Chuck Lee
05-13-2010, 08:31 PM
Ya - I hear ya Chuck

LOL!! I hear ya loud and clear!! Like I said I'm thinking of selling. Pulling the trigger is a different story.

05-13-2010, 11:44 PM
ah yes...to actually let it go, that's a whole 'nother story...

What can you (we?) get for a 40D nowadays? B&amp;H had one when I was there the other day and it was $850 I think - very clean, like new. So I assume that's fair market value for an excellent-condition 40D...?

05-13-2010, 11:48 PM
B&amp;H had one when I was there the other day and it was $850 I think - very clean, like new. So I assume that's fair market value for an excellent-condition 40D...

Sorry, but I wouldn't think so - not when a brand new 50D is just $90 more (at Amazon.com ("http://www.amazon.com/Canon-50D-15-1MP-Digital-Body/dp/B001EQ4BVI), for example). Check prices on fredmiranda.com's buy&amp;sell board.

There's a 'great condition' 40D on my local Craigslist right now for $550.

Chuck Lee
05-13-2010, 11:57 PM
What can you (we?) get for a 40D nowadays?

I have friend who just bought one for $450.00. That's quite a depreciation in value. craigslist can be brutal.

05-14-2010, 12:05 AM
craigslist can be brutal

Depends on what you mean, and how attentive you are. I've had good luck here - I bought two lenses from CL (a 300mm f/4L IS and a200mm f/2.8L II), and I got very good deals on them. Such good deals, that when I later re-sold those two lenses on the same CL board (after using them for a few months and deciding to replace them with new 100-400mm and 70-200mm f/2.8 IS II lenses), I made a profit of &gt;$300 (combined) from reselling the two lenses... [:#]

Chuck Lee
05-17-2010, 10:40 AM
craigslist can be brutal

Atpushing prices for camera gear down. [*-)][^o)]

05-17-2010, 10:55 AM
True. Case in point from my local CL - a 3 month old EF 14mm f/2.8L MkII for $1400 (1/3 off list price!).

05-22-2010, 04:27 AM

I also bought a 5D and wanted to get the number of the shots taken with it. After some extensive research I found out, that all you need is a USB cable and the right software, which you can't get however, because only authorised service partners have it. Not even large dealers, only official Canon service partners.

So, the only way to find out the number of shots is to take your camera to your nearest Canon Service partner (find the addresses from your local Canon website, feel lucky if the next partner is just around the corner, mine was 300km away...) and have him print a service report including the number of the shots. Good news is, this is done in a mintute and I was not charged a cent.

Enjoy the camera, mine is excellent.

By the way: I bought my 5D used from ebay, the seller said it was used as a "backup camera" only with very few frames taken. Well, it turned out it were 48.000, nearly 1/2 of what it is built for. So, with this service report I returned the camera. The seller said he was not aware of it and pretended to be sorry... but he happily took it back. Bought a new one from amazon then...