View Full Version : canon 400mm f2.8

adrian mandea
06-16-2010, 02:05 PM
hi guys

anyone has /had/ the canon 400mm f2.8 II (non IS) lens?I am thinking of buying one second hand and i would like some opinions because on the internet there's nothing about it

thank you


06-16-2010, 04:23 PM
I can't help you with where to find one, but I do have some advice.

The original 400mm f/2.8L doesn't have the wide-open sharpness of the IS version. It's sharp from f/4.5 onward, but at f/2.8 some would argue it's not very usable. It also suffers from CA. The lens is also heavier than the IS version and isn't weather sealed. I'm mentioning this because you seem to think that the original is just the IS version minus the IS, but there's a lot more to it. Not only that but finding a good copy of a lens discontinued 10+ years will be very, very hard.

These things sell from $3000 to $5000. Why not get the 300mm f/2.8L IS USM instead???? Yes, you lose 100mm (I hope you're not planning to use a 400mm 2.8 for birds) but lose 7lbs of weight and get a much better and more practical lens (you can actually hold it without a $1000 tripod!!!).

my 2¢


Richard Lane
06-16-2010, 06:40 PM

What do you plan on shooting with it? Do you need to be able to hand hold it?

Sorry, I can't help you with the non-IS version that you're interested in, however I tried out the 400mm 2.8 IS version and it's very heavy and cumbersome to use. The pictures I took with it were very impressive. If you just look at the weight it's not that big of a deal, but if you figure that you're holding your left arm out and extended, then basically after a few minutes it gets heavy really fast. So, you will definitely need a a good monopod which isn't really a problem, however it does limit the usability somewhat.

I ended up buying the less expensive but new 300mm 2.8 IS which is certainly hand holdable if necessary however I use it with a monopod most of the time, and if I need that extra reach then I just use it with a 1.4xII converter; which will make it 420mm @f4 with IS with very good results.


07-08-2010, 06:56 AM
<span sb_id="ms__id367" class="long_text" id="result_box"]<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="534" tc="io ho acquistato da poco il 400 2.8 non is prima versione (1991)." uc="I recently purchased the 400 2.8 is not the first version (1991). "]I recently purchased the 400 2.8 is not the first version (1991). <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="535" tc="ti dico che pesa molto, devi usare il monopiede o il cavalletto." uc="I tell you that weighs a lot, you should use a monopod or tripod. " style="background-color: #fff;"]I tell you that weighs a lot, you should use a monopod or tripod. <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="536" tc="il dettaglio &egrave; spettacolare anche moltiplicato 2X..." uc="the detail is spectacular also multiplied 2X ... " style="background-color: #fff;"]the detail is spectacular also multiplied 2X ... <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="537" tc="l'ho provato anche combinato con 1,4 e 2x, con la 450D ed &egrave; nitido come il mio 150-500 sigma." uc="I also tried with 1.4 and 2x combined with the 450D and is sharp as my Sigma 150-500.
" style="background-color: #fff;"]I also tried with 1.4 and 2x combined with the 450D and is sharp as my Sigma 150-500.
<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="538" tc="inoltre non essendo stabilizzato il micromosso &egrave; sempre in agguato...." uc="Furthermore, it is not stabilized micromosso is always lurking .... " style="background-color: #fff;"]Furthermore, it is not stabilized micromosso is always lurking .... <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="539" tc="devi lavorare almeno ad una velocit&agrave; pari alla focale reale (1/focale reale (1,6 x400))..." uc="You must work at least at a rate equal to the focal actual (real 1/focale (1.6 x400 ))...
" style="background-color: #fff;"]You must work at least at a rate equal to the focal actual (real 1/focale (1.6 x400 ))...
<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="540" tc="se ti interessa ho messo qualche scatto di prova su flickr..." uc="if you're interested I put some test shots on Flickr ... " style="background-color: #fff;"]if you're interested I put some test shots on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/cico2009 ("http://www.flickr.com/photos/cico2009)... <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="541" tc="sono scatti di prova quindi prendili per quello che sono......." uc="are test shots then take them for what they are .......
"]are test shots then take them for what they are .......
<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="542" tc="Io sono molto contento anche perch&egrave; l'ho pagato 900,00 euro....." uc="I'm also happy because I paid 900.00 euros ..... " style="background-color: #fff;"]I'm also happy because I paid 900.00 euros ..... <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="543" tc="e tieni conto che il mio termine di confronto &egrave; con il sigma 150-500...." uc="and bear in mind that my standard of comparison is with the Sigma 150-500 ...." style="background-color: #e6ecf9; color: #000;"]and bear in mind that my standard of comparison is with the Sigma 150-500 ....

<span sb_id="ms__id367" class="long_text"]<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="543" tc="e tieni conto che il mio termine di confronto &egrave; con il sigma 150-500...." uc="and bear in mind that my standard of comparison is with the Sigma 150-500 ...." style="background-color: #e6ecf9; color: #000;"]<span sb_id="ms__id367" class="long_text" id="result_box"]<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="696" tc="spero di esserti stato di aiuto, io prima di prenderlo avevo la tua stessa difficolt&agrave; nel reperire informazioni, poi visto il prezzo l'ho comprato....." uc="Essert hope to have helped, I take it before I had the same difficulty in finding your information, then saw the price I bought it ..... " style="background-color: #e6ecf9; color: #000;"]Essert hope to have helped, I take it before I had the same difficulty in finding your information, then saw the price I bought it ..... <span closure_uid_gtkjs0="697" tc="ops dimenticavo ricorda che per questi obiettivi non ci sono pi&ugrave; i ricambi quindi verifica bene il funzionamento l'AF, graffi interni, muffe polvere ecc....." uc="oops forgot to note that these objectives are no more parts and then verify the good functioning of the AF, scratches internal mold powder etc. ....." style="background-color: #fff;"]oops forgot to note that these objectives are no more parts and then verify the good functioning of the AF, scratches internal mold powder etc. .....

<span sb_id="ms__id367" class="long_text"]<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="543" tc="e tieni conto che il mio termine di confronto &egrave; con il sigma 150-500...." uc="and bear in mind that my standard of comparison is with the Sigma 150-500 ...." style="background-color: #e6ecf9; color: #000;"]<span sb_id="ms__id367" class="long_text"]<span closure_uid_gtkjs0="697" tc="ops dimenticavo ricorda che per questi obiettivi non ci sono pi&ugrave; i ricambi quindi verifica bene il funzionamento l'AF, graffi interni, muffe polvere ecc....." uc="oops forgot to note that these objectives are no more parts and then verify the good functioning of the AF, scratches internal mold powder etc. ....." style="background-color: #fff;"]sorry for my english