View Full Version : Just sprang for the Poppers!

Shea Design
06-28-2010, 10:01 PM
Just decided to step up to the RadioPopper ("http://radiopopper.com/products/) Px system! 1 Tranz, 4 Receviers - $1,245 B4 shipping. I am so looking FWD to working wireless, and with decent sync speeds for strobist stylee.

I'll keep yall in the loop in terms of delivery, install and performance - unless I run off to the dessert. Oatmeal for dinner now.


06-28-2010, 11:11 PM
Cool!!! HSS seems to have great potential. I've just started tinkering myself.

06-28-2010, 11:12 PM
Congrats on the purchase. Hopefully the transition to wireless is painless.

Sean Setters
06-29-2010, 12:12 AM
I think we all look forward to seeing what you can do with your new toys. ;-)

Shea Design
06-29-2010, 02:44 PM
RE: Delivery - Ordered after 5 pm Monday night, just got shipping conformation Tuesday mid morning! I bring this trivial news flash because when I was researching the product I kept reading about supply issues and delayed product. It would seem inventories are up now, shipping even faster than the 2-4 days indicated by their website at the time of my order.

$21.11 for 2nd day air should have me installing in short order. Oatmeal for breakfast, working the model boards... ABC = Always Be Charging those batteries too.


Shea Design
07-01-2010, 09:07 PM
Ordered Monday evening, operational by Thursday afternoon, not bad.. UPS got here @ 2pm & I had all 4 units and the transmitter working by 3pm. I've got a lot of experimenting to do with these babies so I will wait till I have more experience B4 posting any captures. Needless to say I had 1/8000 f1/8 ISO 50 (and several other settings) working no problemo.

I'm getting some random fires from the 'dual head' of my own design, one while handling the gizmo so I suspect some RF weirdness. That's all for now.


07-02-2010, 05:54 AM
Wow pretty cool settings you can use...much better than my "el cheapo" triggers [A]

Looking forward to some results!

07-02-2010, 06:40 PM
1/8000 f1/8 ISO 50

Ok, now I'm drooling!

Shea Design
07-02-2010, 08:56 PM
Ok, so as to not keep interested parties waiting.. my first strobist capture with the poppers:
f/2.8 - 1/4000th ISO 50


BTW I was distracted enough (@ the beach) to forget to re-install the transmitter antenna (warnings against this in manual). Lucky it did not fry the unit with the 3 or 4 test shots I took.

I was probably smart to remove it in a backpack application as it is rigid and exposed to leverage during handling... Let's just hope I have learned that lesson the easy way.

BTW - This was taken with the ST-E2 as a master, although using a 580exII as the master opens up control of 3 groups (levels) I knew I was on a full power HSS mission.


P.S. I should note this was a spontaneous shoot in the 'Confessions of a Photographer' tradition. I just spotted these kids doing back flips off a beach ledge and asked them if they wanted to take a really cool photo. They needed just a little coaching on flash handling and took turns doing the flips. 2 helpers, 2 flashes.

EDIT: Here is the side shot:


07-04-2010, 06:14 AM
Awesome, really cool stuff Shea!

Of camera flash with that shutterspeed is really cool!

Have fun!


Shea Design
07-08-2010, 06:08 PM
Clouds on the coast drove me to where the streets have no name. Loving the freedom to light as I wish. -S


07-08-2010, 07:56 PM
How did you do this ^^^^^^^ omg i am awe struck.