View Full Version : 1DsIII Colors...

07-28-2010, 06:01 PM
...are impressive! took a few test shots at B&H yesterday, here's one.

Hopefully the colors come through on your display the way they do for me...

1DsIII 24-105 @ 105mm 1/60 @ f/6.3 ISO 1600 - WB, Levels in PS, no sharpening (forgot)...


07-28-2010, 09:33 PM
The color representations seem very accurate, mostly. The only surprise is that somehow the 1DsIII manages to adequately capture green in certain parts of the scene. I would have thought purchasing that camera, and perhaps merely being inside the B&H superstore, would have completely sucked all the green out of both the scene and your wallet.

Johnny Rasmussen
07-28-2010, 10:02 PM
Especially the wallet...

bob williams
07-28-2010, 11:58 PM
took a few test shots at B&H yesterday

Go ahead, Rub it in, Kick a dog when he's down.........

Envy: 6th deadly sin

Though shalt not covet B&H's inventory

Just a few things that come to mind when I saw this pic---[:D]

07-29-2010, 12:05 PM
Must be a roullette table in there somewhere. Check outall the security cameras hanging around! [:P]

I've honestly never seen a camera store that busy that they need "Wait here for the next available ..." signs. Just reinforces to me how terrible the stores are in Australia and how limited the range is here (plus the rediculous prices). I guess that's why a lot of my gear has been shipped over from the US.

07-29-2010, 12:10 PM
Oh yeah, there's a certain "torture" factor wandering around B&H...

On the other hand if you want to fondle camera equipment, B&H is the place to be. They're generally very casual about pulling out top-of-the-line gear and handing it across the counter to your trembling hands...(!)

I've never had the nerve to request a closer look at the 1200mm...I think they might draw the line at that...!

07-29-2010, 01:17 PM
took a few test shots at B&H yesterday

Go ahead, Rub it in, Kick a dog when he's down.........

Envy: 6th deadly sin

Though shalt not covet B&H's inventory

Just a few things that come to mind when I saw this pic---/emoticons/emotion-2.gif
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
