View Full Version : EF 100 f/2 or EF 85 f/1.8?

08-02-2010, 12:17 PM
I will be the school photographer at a small private school this coming school year. I have a 7d with the following lenses: EF 50 f/1.4, EF 70-200 f/4 IS, and EF 17-40 f/4.

The vast majority of photographs will be taken indoors, and sometimes I won't be able to (or want to) get too close. The 50 f/1.4 will obviously be useful, but it doesn't have the reach for most sports and many all school events (and sometimes I am frustrated with its results).

I have read great reviews of both the 85 f/1.8 and 100 f/2. Which would you choose? Is the 85 too close in focal length to the 50?

In my experience, especially at this school, f/2.8 just isn't fast enough in many situations, so I really want the flexibility of a faster lens.

BTW, I know the 70-200 might be useful in some situations. But kids move a lot, and I just won't be able to stop motion at f/4 indoors.

Thanks for your help!


Daniel Browning
08-02-2010, 12:55 PM
The 50 f/1.4 will obviously be useful, but it doesn't have the reach for most sports and many all school events (and sometimes I am frustrated with its results).

Yeah, I don't like using the 50mm f/1.4 for sports either. The autofocus isn't as good as the 85/100.

I have read great reviews of both the 85 f/1.8 and 100 f/2. Which would you choose?

Personally, on the 7D, I would go with the 85mm. To me, even the 85 is a little too long for indoor sports and I would prefer a 60mm f/1.8. Since Canon doesn't make one, I would get the 85mm as the next best thing. That may be because I usually get pretty close to the action. I get the impression that you will be farther away and that 100mm may be more appropriate for you.

Is the 85 too close in focal length to the 50?

I don't think so. The difference is noticeable. On top of the difference in focal length, they are very different in many other ways, such as autofocus, sharpness, etc.

f/2.8 just isn't fast enough in many situations, so I really want the flexibility of a faster lens.

I think you are definitely looking at the right two lenses.

08-02-2010, 01:12 PM
The difference between 50mm and 85mm/100mm is pretty significant. The longer the focal length, the less the relative difference becomes (i.e. 85mm is 70% longer than 50mm, 100mm is 100% longer than 50mm, but 100mm is only 18% longer than 85mm). So, the difference between 85mm and 100mm is not that much, and other than that modest difference in focal length and the equally modest difference in aperture (1/3 stop), the lenses are basically identical.

So, which do you choose? You could try setting your 70-200mm f/4L IS to 85mm and then to 100mm and see what the framing looks like in the venues you'll be shooting. If you'd rather not try that or are still unsure, go with the 85mm. The 7D gives you plenty of pixels for a slight crop if needed, but you can't always back up to get a wider framing.

I agree with Daniel that you're on the right track here. The other lens that's usually suggested for indoor sports is the 135mm f/2L - it's an excellent lens with very fast AF. But since you'll be taking pictures officially, that should mean sideline access for sporting events. The 135L is better-suited to the stands when used on a crop body. If you were shooting FF, the 135L would probably be a better choice.

08-02-2010, 01:24 PM
I agree with the other responses, you are on the right track with these two lenses. I have the 100mm and a 5D. A few months ago I shot a highschool basketball game. I got some great shots but I did find myself a few times wishing I had a 50 or 85. Since you are shooting with a 7D I would suggest the 85.


08-02-2010, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the input. I am leaning towards the 85mm f/1.8, especially since I can crop in a bit if necessary and easily get the 100mm equivalent without sacrificing much in terms of IQ.

Now I just need to get the purchase approved. That's the hard part. [:D]

Hopefully this lens will produce more consistent results than the 50 f/1.4, for which I have a love-hate relationship. It's a must-have lens that sometimes produces amazing images; but on the other hand, too many images come out OOF for my taste.