View Full Version : Canon 180mm f3.5 v Canon 100mm f2.8 IS

08-25-2010, 09:34 PM
I know a guy who goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on............ about how great his new 100mm macro lens is. How much better than my 180mm it is. In essance hes a $@%*^. Anyway, i just wondered what you people think. For me the distance from an insect is vital in not scaring it. The image quality is excellent. I dont need an image stabiliser on a macro, im always on a tripod. Hand held at such tiny depth of field is a no no. And it makes a decent club to smack him with.

The 100 is amazing, the 180 is equally so but has big advantages for me.


Daniel Browning
08-25-2010, 09:44 PM
The working distance advantage is valuable, and I also like the narrower angle of view of the 180 -- makes it a little easier get the least distracting background.

08-25-2010, 10:00 PM
I would say you don't need to keep up with the "Jones's". Use what works for you. He is probably wanting to feel a little more validated in his purchase of the lens by convincing someone he knows to buy it as well. If the same macro/zoom/wide angle lenses worked for everyone, we wouldn't have the tremendous selection that we do today. And hopefully that selection continues to grow.

Jon Ruyle
08-25-2010, 10:04 PM
They're different. I say it just depends on what you like and/or need.

I think the 100mm IS macro is a little more versitile for non macro work and probably has better IQ, but I agree with both of Daniel's points about advantages of longer focal length.

08-26-2010, 12:07 AM
Just tell him that the 180 is better than the 100 for those shots that call for a focal length of 180mm.

08-26-2010, 05:21 AM
Micktheexbiker, you are not alone, I like longer working distance and the 180mm also produces better BG blur which is also very important in macro shots. the 100mm L lens is a good macro lens too, IS is a plus especially for non macro shots. if anybody(like me) wants all the good parts of these two lenses, then he should wait for the 180mm L IS version II or maybe the rumors says the 200mmf4.0 L hybrid IS macro(hmmmm, I'm hopping this rumor comes true soon[:D])

08-26-2010, 06:15 PM
how great his new 100mm macro lens is

It is great! It has weather-sealing, very good optics, image stabilization. Good features that make it very practical for other uses than macro-photography as well. It's also a lot cheaper, like 40%.

However I must also say that I like the view of a 180mm macro more. And since you're working with a tripod the IS isn't necessary.

If I had the money to spend(I don't) on special equipment for each purpose I'm not sure if I had bought the 100mmL. Probably also not the 180mmL, but the 65mm MP-E...

I know a guy who goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on............ about how great his new 100mm macro lens is.

Did you compare his shots vs your shots? Most of the time that's the best way to solve these differences [;)]Don't bother too much, there will always be $%^&$# around [;)] Too many to pay attention to what they all have to say.


08-26-2010, 06:39 PM
I have both and they both have their place.

If I am going to put it on a tripod I am going to use the 180mm. It has better background blurand if you are setting up a tripod outside in odd situations it deffenitly helps to not have to get close. It produces nice sharp pictures.

I have the 100mm as a carry around lens. If I have to get close hand held I perfer it. The back ground blur is not as good as the 180mm. If I am going to try and chase down a bug or butterfly that you do not have time to set up a tripod on it is better. It does other things well to, including potraits.

Both can produce great pictures.

But where was the anouncment today for a 180mm macro with IS. Announce that and we have somthing.

08-26-2010, 06:44 PM
Did you compare his shots vs your shots? Most of the time that's the best way to solve these differences /emoticons/emotion-5.gifDon't bother too much, there will always be $%^&$# around /emoticons/emotion-5.gif Too many to pay attention to what they all have to say.

You know both of these lens will show you the finedetail of a bee's butt.

Jon Ruyle
08-26-2010, 07:55 PM
You know both of these lens will show you the finedetail of a bee's butt.

Which, of course, is the whole point :)

Both lenses will often be diffraction limited at close range.