View Full Version : DPP Version 3.9

09-08-2010, 05:24 PM
Not available for download yet, but DPP v3.9 came with my new PowerShot S95. A quick look shows that new features include two additional checkmarks, a separate rating system (* to *****), and most importantly, Unsharp Mask added to the RAW tab.


Sean Setters
09-08-2010, 05:28 PM
The unsharp mask feature intrigues me...

Johnny Rasmussen
09-09-2010, 11:40 AM
It keeps getting better. Wonder if they ever will have brush-tools? How is image quality from your new S95?

09-09-2010, 03:52 PM
How is image quality from your new S95?

Very good, actually. As you'd expect with any P&S, noise is an issue - but images are quite useable out to ISO 800 without any heroic NR efforts. I've been considering getting DxO to help out along those lines - when my 7D gets above ISO 1600, I'm not thrilled with the noise there, either.

Like the newest Canon dSLRs, there is the ability to cap the Auto ISO (a feature I wish my 7D had), and also a setting to slow down the progression of Auto ISO increases.

I am a little surprised by the 'low light' mode - with the pixel binning and NR, even ISO 12800 gives a shot that looks like it would make an acceptable small (4x6") print.

Overall, it seems like a great little (really little!) camera.

Don Burkett
09-10-2010, 02:37 AM
Know I've be absent in contributions but still follow the site regularly.

All I can say is "yea". Been wanting a 5 start rating for along time. I use 1 for deletes, 2 for maybes and 3 for workable.

Now I can use 4 for those I process just in DPP and 5 for designating PSP processing.

10-29-2010, 02:11 PM
FYI, DPP 3.9.2 is available for download - but only from the Canon Europe and Canon UK sites, not from Canon USA at this point. Hopefully soon...

10-30-2010, 04:36 AM
FYI, DPP 3.9.2 is available for download - but only from the Canon Europe and Canon UK sites, not from Canon USA at this point. Hopefully soon...
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Just downloaded the new version, thanks Bryan for the link. So far I like the unsharp tool.

I have not figured out what the checkmark tool is. What is it used for?


10-30-2010, 02:24 PM
I have not figured out what the checkmark tool is. What is it used for?

I believe that is just so you can rate your photos 1, 2, 3 and now 4 or 5 &amp; then sort them according to the number given. Easiest way to do this is to first Select All &amp; then go into Tools, Start Quick Check Tool. You can also at this point, view the AF position and shooting data and view the photo full screen.


10-30-2010, 02:33 PM
Most useable thus far for me is that they changed the keyboard shortcuts for rating and checkmarks from the version I was using. It is now Mac laptop friendly.

Chris White
10-30-2010, 04:46 PM
FYI, DPP 3.9.2 is available for download - but only from the Canon Europe and Canon UK sites, not from Canon USA at this point. Hopefully soon...

Thanks, John, with the Internet it is not critical which country it comes from as long as it is legitimate. It is a shame , however, that USA users need to wait or find it other than Canon's USA site.[:(]

I have not figured out what the checkmark tool is. What is it used for?


I use the check mark tool to bulk process different groups of photos. For example, last night my kid's school had a Halloween party with activities in the gym and the cafeteria. I took images in both areas throughout the evening using the "standard" setting. I also took shots of my lovely bride holding a grey card early in the evening in both areas at various places. When I go to process the images, the first thing I will do is group images from similar areas using a check mark, the cafeteria starting as 1 and the gym as 2. I will then use my reference grey cad shot to adjust white balance. I will go the cafeteria a grey cad shot and adjust the white balance and then copy the recipe to the clipboard. then I will click on one of the images from the cafeteria, which I have check mark 1 on, and then go to edit and choose "check mark" and from the next pop up choose "select check mark 1 images only" and then go back to the edit and choose "paste recipe to selected image", click "yes" and the whole lot has been initially adjusted for balance. I then continue until all groups -- check marks I used -- have been done. This can be done with any common adjustment or processing. I really find it a time-saver.


Chris White
10-30-2010, 05:09 PM
Here is one from last night.


5d II, 24-70, f/2.8 1/160 ISO 2500

I LOVE my 5D II.[:D]

10-31-2010, 12:10 AM
I LOVE my 5D II.

Me, too! I do have to say that I was shooting my nearly-3 daughter running around in a Jack-o'-Lantern costume playing in the piles of leaves in the back yard this evening, and the AF of the 5DII was having trouble keeping up with her, where I know my 7D would have done the job. But it was twilight, and the 7D would have been showing it's noise at the necessary ISO, where the 5DII was clean. Sometimes I hate compromise...but overall, I'm very pleased with the 5DII!