View Full Version : Price Rises

02-01-2009, 05:54 AM
I've not seen much, on here or elsewhere, about the latest price rises from Camera manufaturers and Canon in particular.

I'm looking to fill the gap between 200 and 400mm and have been looking at the 300mm f4L and latterly at the f2.8 version. However the street price from one of the Uk's reputable dealers has gone up from ~£2900 to ~£3700 - and that sort of hike is just not viable. Even the f4 version has gone up about £400.

It can still be got from some sellers for just over £3k - in fact Jessops - a big retail chain in the UK who have always been way off the mark are offering it for just over £3.1k - though an upto 28day wait may put off a few people!!

With regard to the price hikes, I appriciate the Yen is not good against the £ at the moment - but is the idea to but the prices up now when no one is buying anyway and when the situation sorts itself out, they will have put a price rise through that has been forgotton and then they can do a promotion and look like they have dropped the prices?

Stefan Stuart Fletcher
02-01-2009, 07:00 AM
While Marx and Keynes turn in their respective graves, I thought you'd like to know the prices your two lenses are retailed at here including taxes but in *Euro* (which, given the naff value of Sterling, is practically at parity):
300 f/2.8 L USM IS: € 3,997
300 f/4 L USM IS: €1159 (yes, not a typo)
This is an internationally known retailer famous for grey-market imports (no plugs!).

02-01-2009, 01:01 PM
There has been some talk about it over at:

Canon Rumors ("http://www.canonrumors.com/)

A more recent article says that the Digital Camera sales outlook is pretty good.

Digital Camera Sales Outlook ("http://www.canonrumors.com/2009/01/digital-camera-sales-outlook-not-all-that-bad/)

That article indicates DSLR and SLR Lense actual and projected growth to be quite good. I'm no financial expert, but when I read things like that, I have to believe that prices for our beloved DSLR products will not go down any time soon. Add to that the currency delta between the Yen and other currencies and well...you know.
