View Full Version : Shooting with the 7D at 1,000 fps (Yes, 1,000 frames per second!)

09-15-2010, 01:39 AM
Check this out:

Apparently, according to Gizmodo.com ("http://gizmodo.com/5638032/shooting-1000fps-video-with-a-canon-7d?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campa ign=Feed%3A+gizmodo%2Ffull+%28Gizmodo%29&utm_conte nt=Google+International), a new Adobe After Effects plug-in ("http://www.revisionfx.com/products/twixtor/) enables 7D owners to speed up the standard 720p/60fps to an astonishing 1,000 fps. The results - when used under the right circumstances, of course - are in my opinion nothing short of fascinating.

Take a look at this sample short ("http://vimeo.com/13557939) shot with some sections filmed at 1,000 fps with the EOS 7D.

09-15-2010, 03:58 AM
It's fairly convincing, but of course not quite as good as the real thing. It's a pretty sophisticated tweening algorithm, but for objects moving in a rapid and complex fashion in relationship to the viewpoint, it does show clear visual artifacts. In the sample video, see 0:27-0:28, and 0:37-0:39 for examples of how the wheels rapid change in position and orientation result in tweening errors due to undersampling.

But this software is probably as close as you can get to high frame rate video, short of spending obscene amounts of money on a Phantom HD. Now just imagine what this software would do to a movie shot natively at 1000 or 2000 fps...you could achieve incredible slowdowns, like 20000-35000 fps. At that kind of frame rate, you could achieve slowdowns by a factor of 1460x. One second of elapsed real time would stretch into 24 minutes of footage. And the bonus is that as the sampling rate increases, the interpolation should be more accurate. Few phenomena move fast enough to be undersampled at 1000 fps.