View Full Version : Umbrella reflector for beginners

02-01-2009, 07:55 PM

I've been doing photography for a couple of years but never actually start up my own studio or practice on artificial lighting. So I decide now to start with an umbrella reflector to be paired with my 580EX II. Anyone has done this yet? I was looking for umbrella reflectors on eBay, but I didn't know how to mount the reflector (can I put it on any tripod? or what kind of adapter do I need?), and how can I connect it with the 580EX II. I didn't see any hole on the 580EX II stand for umbrella reflector, so again, probably I need some kind of adapter here...

Any helps will be appreciated - even if you only tell me what keyword to put on eBay search box [:D]



Sean Setters
02-01-2009, 09:20 PM
Go to http://www.strobist.blogspot.com/ ("http://www.strobist.blogspot.com/) and click on Lighting 101 on the right side. It'll tell you nearly everything you need to know to get started with off-camera flash. Trust me, it'll be the best thing you ever did for your photography. ;-)

This was done with 2 off-camera flashes (one using a white shoot-through umbrella).
