View Full Version : One of my first night shots

09-27-2010, 06:02 AM
I have been trying out how to take good night shots. I still haven't mastered it yet, but I did like this one, so I thought I share with you.

5D MKII, Lens EF50mm f/1.4 USM, AE, F/2, Av 5.6, ISO 800, Tripod


Richard Lane
09-27-2010, 11:52 AM

Very nice shot for just starting out with night photography.

I'm not sure what your exposure time was in seconds, but I think the trick to night photography would be to use a longer shutter speed in Manual or Bulb mode and a slightly narrower aperture like f/8 to get the picture a little sharper, and also use a cable release or timer, so as not to affect tripod/camera movement. One thing to keep in mind for night photos is, as you lengthen the time of the exposure, you will also need to lower the ISO, or the pool will become over exposed.

Whas this shot from a lower balcony?

There's no right or wrong here, as I would take at least 5-10 shots of this anyway. But, if you're interested in additional composition suggestions, then I would also consider, a slightly lower level of the tripod, or move the camera over to the left, and try and compose the shot a little bit more to the right, so that you get less of the top of the roof of the hut, and so that the pole in front of the hut won't be in front of whatever it's blocking underneath the hut (which is actually not that important for this shot, but may help in the future, so don't mind me, I'm just rambling). Therefore you can frame the hut with the 2 front poles and get part of the 3rd pool as well as the entire bridge. It does appear very dark, to the right of the bridge, so I don't know how that would work out.

Keep up the good work!


09-27-2010, 02:27 PM
Cool night shot, Bouwy!