View Full Version : Welcome to The-Digital-Picture.com Photography Community!

Bryan Carnathan
12-30-2008, 05:55 PM
The-Digital-Picture.com Photography Community to be a friendly place of sharing, learning and hanging out - and a place to meet friends and build friendships. Community content is expected to be family and work-environment-friendly. Members are expected to be respectful, tactful (even when strongly disagreeing) and friendly. You are an incredibly and diversely skilled group - I have learned so much from you over the years - I look forwardto your participation here.

The Photography Community is running on Telligent's Community platform - this is the same software that powers the forums at MySpace, Dell, Microsoft and many other communities/companies large and small.Community is a great platform and is very configurable. Among the configuration parameters are image upload limits. These limits are currently set to4MB max per image and20MB max overall. My thinking is that20 MB of storage space would allow many web-sized images to be uploaded for sharing with the rest of the community. And since these images are hosted on Amazon.com's S3 service, I can still afford the storage bill. Of course, you are welcome to link to your imaged hosted elsewhere.

Like the rest of the site, membership in the Photography Community is free. Your support of the site through purchases made using the retailer links provided are what helps to pay the bills. I am grateful for the support of so many of you.

So, please bring your friends and join us here at The-Digital-Picture.com Photography Community! Setup your profile, post a couple of your best pics, ask a couple of questions, answer a couple of questions, comment on a couple of pics!

<span style="color: #ff0000;"]Show &amp; Tell Forum Suggestions

Suggestions for Posting:

By posting a photo here, you are simplysharing a photowith the community (use theImage Critiqueforum forasking for a critique of yourphoto).
Multi-photo posts are welcome, but be considerate of other community members' time and Internet bandwidth.
It is helpful to others if you share information about your photo including gear used (camera, lens, flash, tripod, filters ...), camera and lens settings(shutter speed, aperture, ISO, focal length) and location information.
Image contentmust be family and work-environment friendly.
Post images no wider than 800px to prevent cropping.

Suggestions for Replying:

Your goal hereis toshare in the photographer's excitement.
Keepcritiques to a minimum as this is not the "Image Critique" forum.
Have fun.

<span style="color: #ff0000;"]Image Critique Forum Suggestions

Suggestions for Posting:

By posting a photo here, you are asking for a critique (use the Show and Tell forum for just sharing photos). Understand that opinions vary greatly - and be ready for negative comments on your work. Take these commentsconstructively and with discernment. The goal here is to make you better photographer.
Post one photo per thread unless there is a theme or comparison you wish to have critiqued.
Include information about your photo including gear used (camera, lens, flash, tripod, filters ...), camera and lens settings(shutter speed, aperture, ISO, focal length) and location information.
Image contentmust be family and work-environment friendly.
Post images no wider than 800px to prevent cropping.

Suggestions for Replying:

Your goal hereis to help the photographer requesting a critique to become a better photographer.
Understand that we all value images differently and you are being asked for your personal opinion.
Tactfully and respectfully tell the person what you think of their shot - both the good and the bad.
Offer suggestions for improving the shot - either before or after capture.
Be encouraging!

<span style="color: #ff0000;"]Buy/Sell Forum Guidelines


Buying, trading or selling here is not without risk. The-Digital-Picture.com is NOT affiliated with and does not verify any buyer or seller using the Buy&amp; Sell Forum. The-Digital-Picture.com is NOT liable for any misrepresentation, fraud or any other information (or lack of) posted here. The-Digital-Picture.com does not provide assistance in any transaction.

The rules for using this forum include:

The title for each thread should start with one of the following:
"FS: " (For Sale)
"FT: " (For Trade)
"WTB: " (Want To Buy)
"FA: " (For Auction - EBay or other auction site)
Once desired transaction agreement is reached for all items, replace the above title prefix with "Sale Pending: " or "Found: " but leave the price intact for others to reference.
Once desired transaction is completed for all items, replace the above title prefix with "Sold: ", but again, leave the price intact for others to reference.
Only photography-related gear may be sold.
Commercial sales are not allowed - Personal items (including items used in your photography-related business) only may be sold here.
Software may be sold as long as the license transfer is in full compliance with the manufacturer's terms.
Offers for sale should be posted by the OP (original poster) only - Please start a new thread if you have something to sell - do not sell within another's FS: thread.
All items must have a price and seller should fully intend to sell the item - do not post it for sale if you are not sure you want to part with it.
No price policing - you may not comment on the seller's asking price unless they explicitly ask.

Buyer is expected to research the asking price to insure it is fair. Valuation of used equipment varies greatly between individuals and locales - what is fair to one of us may not be to another. The seller/trader's post is not the appropriate place to discuss this.

Unless the seller indicates a firm price ... consider offering what you believe is a fair price for an item priced higher than you think it should be. Including real world price evidencewill go far tobackup youropinion.

Again, even though you are well-meaning, the seller's thread is not the place to point out what you think are unfair prices. Items priced too high will simply not sell.
Give a complete description of what is and what is not for sale.
Full disclosure of any deficiencies in condition or functionality is expected - Your reputation is more important than what you are selling.
State the acceptable method(s) of payment.
Please state shipping/insurance costs if not included in the price. Also state the method of shipping you are proposing.

The-Digital-Picture.com reserves the right to modify all terms at any time. By participating in the Buy / Sell Forum, you agree to the above terms and to The-Digital-Picture.com TOU (Terms of Use).