View Full Version : Viewfinder Question

Joel Bookhammer
10-04-2010, 03:39 PM
Im looking at purchaseing another DSLR within the next few months. One componant that Im really wanting to compare is the viewfinder. Not the information that it displays, but the physical size of the image while looking through the finder.

While Brians reviews include the magnification and coverage it doesnt help me all that much in easily comparing the difference between cameras.

I would really like to know how these 3 cameras compare: 7D , 1D IV, and 5D Mark II

Unfortunately I do not know anyone in my area who owns any of these, and I do not live near a camera store that keeps any of these in stock to personally look through and compare them. So if anyone has any "diagrams" or real life comparrisons it would be appreciated.

Oh the reason Im bringing this specific question up with the purchaseing of another camera, is that my current camera (40D) when I look through the viewfinder looks like I am looking through a tunnel in comparrison to a film rebel that was given to me.



Oh and I dont care much for looking at the LCD screen while composing and takeing the picture.

10-04-2010, 04:00 PM
As you state (and can't, unfortunately) the only way to get a true feel is to actually look through them. But, the magnification and coverage values multiplied by the sensor size will give you a rough idea of the relative sizes of the VF:

7D - 1.0x, 100%, 22x15mm = a VF 'window' of ~22x15mm (330 mm^2)

1DIV - 0.76x, 100%, 28x19mm =a VF 'window' of ~21x14mm (294 mm^2)

5DII - 0.71x, 98%, 36x24mm =a VF 'window' of ~25x17mm (425 mm^2)

also, for comparison:

40D - 0.95x, 95%,22x15mm = a VF 'window' of ~20x13.5mm (270 mm^2)

Rebel G (35mm) -0.70x, 90%, 36x24mm =a VF 'window' of ~23x15mm (345 mm^2)

So, from those measurements, the 7D and 1DIV will be similar, while the 5DII's VF will be substantially larger. The 40D is the smallest of the bunch, and the film Rebel slots in between the 7D/1DIV and the 5DII. If you thought the film Rebel was a big change from your 40D, the 7D/1DIV will be a little bigger than your 40D, but the 5DII will be comparatively huge (57% larger area than your 40D VF).

There are a few people one here who have both a 7D and a 5DII, so hopefully someone will chime in with firsthand experience...

Hope that helps...


Joel Bookhammer
10-04-2010, 06:24 PM
Thanks John.

Another question would be is there a way to determnie the total area of the viewfinder? Meaning the "window" for the 7D is 22x15 (330mm^2) but including the "frame" for the "window" the total area is "?". And would this "frame" size or total viewfinder area be the same for each slr?

Just thinking of a way to create a diagram for myself that would roughly include the

10-04-2010, 08:14 PM
I can

Joel Bookhammer
10-04-2010, 08:22 PM
Thanks Nick for the link but unfortunately it will not allow me to view the image due to not being a member, I signed up for a memebership but it stated it could take up to 24 hrs, so I shall ahve to wait.



10-04-2010, 09:40 PM
7D - 1.0x, 100%, 22x15mm = a VF 'window' of ~22x15mm (330 mm^2)

1DIV - 0.76x, 100%, 28x19mm =a VF 'window' of ~21x14mm (294 mm^2)

5DII - 0.71x, 98%, 36x24mm =a VF 'window' of ~25x17mm (425 mm^2)

also, for comparison:

40D - 0.95x, 95%,22x15mm = a VF 'window' of ~20x13.5mm (270 mm^2)

Rebel G (35mm) -0.70x, 90%, 36x24mm =a VF 'window' of ~23x15mm (345 mm^2)

So, from those measurements, the 7D and 1DIV will be similar, while the 5DII's VF will be substantially larger. The 40D is the smallest of the bunch, and the film Rebel slots in between the 7D/1DIV and the 5DII. If you thought the film Rebel was a big change from your 40D, the 7D/1DIV will be a little bigger than your 40D, but the 5DII will be comparatively huge (57% larger area than your 40D VF).

I own both the 7D and the 5DII, and the 5DII is noticeably larger than the 7D. I've used a few of the recent Rebel's, and their viewfinders are noticeably smaller than the 7D, probably very similar to the 40D you currently have (unfortunately I've never used a 40D). Based on the numbers neuro posted, with the 7D you'd notice an improvement over the 40D, with a viewfinder that is comparable in size to the film Rebel you've used.

I think the size of the viewfinder is more than sufficient on any of the current non-Rebel bodies. So when comparing the cameras you mentioned, I wouldn't worry about the size of the viewfinder very much, I think you'd be happy with that aspect of any of them. Focus on what body has the capabilities you need.

Justin T
10-05-2010, 12:41 AM
I remember reading the 7d review form DPreview and it had something about viewfinder size comparisons. I searched in Google and found the page.

www.dpreview.com/.../page5.asp ("http://www.dpreview.com/previews/canoneos7d/page5.asp)

It is about half way down the page, though this image does no justice to the difference in real life.