View Full Version : Absolute Beginner Question - Plz Any Help

10-14-2010, 05:39 AM
Hi, my guy just got me a canon rebel t2i for my bday. Before that I had an olympus digital camera never taken off auto-mode.

I have the lens that came with the camera...EF-S 18-55 mm and an EF 50 mm/f1.8 standard? lens.

I've bought 3 books and checked all the books out at the library about photography, but I can't find a book or site or anything that is literally "starting from scratch".

Most of the books I've been reading are either about how much the camera can do, editing, or exposure meters, and I have no idea what an exposure meter is. They're all about digital photography, and what I need is more old school photography, how to take a good picture, etc.

What I'm looking for is any advice on how to start, how to get into this and learn from a base level. I don't want to miss anything or skip stuff that could be useful. Lucky for me I found a really old book and now I know what aperture is :) If I don't learn it will be a waste of the camera.

Any suggestions on books to read, sites, online courses, etc would be greatly appreciated. I can't physically go to a course, I have a new baby. I would like to learn some photography skills before he grows up!!


10-14-2010, 06:45 AM
Welcome to the forums! You

bob williams
10-14-2010, 11:49 AM
Any suggestions on books to read, sites, online courses, etc would be greatly appreciated. I can't physically go to a course, I have a new baby. I would like to learn some photography skills before he grows up!!

Two of my favorites are Bryan Petersons "Understanding Exposure"-----(Great Starting Point) and "Learning to See Creatively"---(All About Composition).

Here is a link to some references that I use commonly: http://rwilliamsimaging.com/resources.pdf ("http://rwilliamsimaging.com/resources.pdf)

Other suggestions:

1. Read your owners manual----Pick a MODE,then practice shooting in that Mode, when you are comfortable with that one, switch modes and practice some more. Soon you will understand what each mode is for and how to use it. Eventually, I think most end up shooting manually.

2. When you don't undertand a term, look it up on Wikipedia. For example: Look up F-Stop on wikipedia.

3. When you need explanation on technique, operations etc----Don't hesitate to to ask here on the Forums--there are many knowledgeable people here that are willing to help you.

4. Most importantly, get out and shoot often,DSLR's are just like musical instruments, they take lots of practice to really get good results.

Hope this helps and welcome to the site,


10-14-2010, 12:12 PM
Welcome to the forums!!

You are on the right track already just by logging in to this site! I bought my first dslr about a year ago, the T1i. I purchased many books on the camera and on photography in general but the two things that help me the most to this day is #1 practice amd #2 the people at TDP! The knowledge here is amazing and I suggest going thru past threads and search for the info your looking for at the moment.

Good luck and looking forward to seeing some photos ...especially of that new baby of yours!


10-14-2010, 04:00 PM
Thanks so much! I