View Full Version : Woops

Joel Bookhammer
02-04-2009, 07:41 PM
So I was bored last evening and decided to go shoot a high school wrestling match. When I got there the light was the worst I have had to shoot high school sports in, but to my surprise when I looked through the viewfinder I was still getting about 1/100th of a sec at 2.8 (iso 400), I thought great along with the 580ex I shouldnt have a problem......so I decided to snap away a few test shots before the varsity squad got on the mat. My heart sank....no CF card. In hurring to get there on time I had forgotten to put a card in the camera and my spares back into my thinktank holster. I always carry a spare memory card just in case but needed all the space available. SoI took the spare outof the thinktankbag and put it in my travel bagand never put it back when I got home. Unfortunatly no pictures but I didnt let it get too me, I still stayed and watched the home team win the match. So I did feel alittle embarrased but it had to happen eventually.

Im sure that someone else must have an interesting story in leaving an essiential piece of equipement behind, so anyone willing to share [:)]

Keith B
02-04-2009, 09:23 PM
When I was in High School I got a job at a local paper and they sent me out on an assignment. The camera I was using was EOS 650. It was the first auto anything I ever had and it was auto everything. I had a roll of color in there and I had to have BW in for the paper. The color roll wasn't finished and there was no way to rewind it until it finished. I didn't think about firing it off for some dumb reason and just decided to open the back and ruin the film. Obviously there wasn't anything good on it. So I load the new roll in and the camera just dies. Won't role the new film, just doesn't do anything. I freak, go home have a mini breakdown because I blew the shoot and being an irrational teenager figure my new camera is dead. I hope and pray the mob affiliated owner of the paper doesn't put a price on my head.

I calm down a little while later, pull the battery out of the camera, put it back in and it winds the film. SOB!

I couldn't sell that camera fast enough and go back to an old fashioned wind it yourself manual camera.

No bounty on me but I never got called back for any shoots for that paper?