View Full Version : Photo Contests & Photoshop....

12-27-2010, 07:04 AM
Hi Guys,

Just want to hear your thoughts.....


Andy Stringer
12-27-2010, 09:07 AM
It depends what you mean by "edited in photoshop".

For me, it would be acceptable to use photoshop to remove dust spots, change the white balance, crop the image, adjust the contrast, make the horizon level and so on. I would have no problem with a sepia conversion if it suited the subject.

When it comes to manipulation of the image to remove things like telegraph poles or merge elements from more than one image, I think the photographer should be honest and declare that the image has been manipulated, then the judges can decide whether they want to judge the photography or the final image.

Some contests disallow manipulation, others are just looking for a great image and don't care how it was created. Either way, the rules and the categories for judging should be clear up front.

12-28-2010, 12:40 AM
HI Andy,

to clarify, yes by edited I meant manipulation of the image as you mentioned in your 2nd paragraph.....

12-28-2010, 01:57 AM
Do you have a link to this photo contest, and does it show any of the pictures that have been entered?

In this day and age you will be hard pressed finding any photo contest that doesn

12-28-2010, 03:08 AM
sorry tkerr..... it wasn

Sean Setters
12-28-2010, 11:24 AM

12-28-2010, 03:17 PM
I have entered competions will have a seperate section for edited images where and original RAW file must be submitted as well for comparison. I think that

Sean Setters
12-28-2010, 06:06 PM
and there are those who buy a DSLR and immediately christen themselves a photographer.

Wait, what? You mean buying an SLR doesn't automatically make someone a "photograher?" Sheesh. Now I've gotta scribble out "photographer" on every one of the 3,000 business cards I just ordered...maybe I'll replace the word with a more general phrase--"Guy With Camera."

12-28-2010, 06:31 PM
To be honest, it's not good enough to just be able to compose a shot and snap away any more. I see modern photography (well, good photography) as an art, more so than a skill (if that makes sense).
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Drawing, painting, sketching, sculpture and photography are all forms of art, and each require a certain set of skills to accomplish presentable results. However, as with any art form, the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. [:#]

I see modern photography, (Digital Photography) as a form of art that requires multiple skills. Starting with at least a basic knowledge and understanding of the science and technology, knowledge and skill in photographic composition, and then last but not least, graphic arts (E.g. Photoshop) and how and when to use all the tools available for that. Some people get Photoshop CS and don't even know what they have. For everything they do with a picture they probably don't even need 1% of what they can do in PS Elements or DPP. It's the Name!

I consider myself moderately experienced with some skill and knowledge in what I am doing, but I do not consider myself a photographer. Currently I am an unemployed Framing Carpenter. Hmmm Maybe I should become a Photographer. [*-)]
You're correct however, I know too many people who buy a nice expensive DSLR using full auto as a P&amp;S and consider themselves an experienced photographer after about a week of good use. There are also those who buy a nice expensive DSLR expecting miracles, and then wonder why they aren't getting good pictures and blaming the poor results on the camera or camera lens.

12-28-2010, 06:33 PM
Ha that might work!

Not quite as bad as my last lot of business cards that came in for work. They mispelt my first name and they all came back saying "Bean Taylor". Silly silly people.


12-29-2010, 12:31 AM

yes i too see a lot of those people who had just picked up an SLR and label themselves as photgraphers and supposedly "pros" at that... It actually has nothing to do with me.. but when I talk to them most don