View Full Version : Fountain, Door, and Sidewalk

02-11-2009, 12:14 AM
Hey all, Here are three shots I'd like some critiquing on

I believe this one could have used a wider dof, but I'm not really sure.


24-70 f2.8L

Shutter 1/4000 (It was really sunny)

Ap: 2.8

ISO 100


This is an HDR of a door, The shadow was too dark for a single shot


24-70 f2.8L

Shutter: 1/30

Av: 8.0

ISO 100

3 shots at 0 -1 and +1 comp I believe


This one is an interesting metal plate built into the patio/sidewalk at the one building on campus


24-70 f/2.8L

Shutter: 1/3200 (sun again)

Ap: 2.8

ISO 100


Let me know what you think,


02-11-2009, 07:39 AM
From best to worst: #3, #2, #1.

#1 is really pointless IMO.

#3 on the other hand is very cool [H]

02-11-2009, 10:49 AM
Ilike # 3 itwould look nice as B&W on a wall. #2 does nothing for me, it's just a door, #1 might be a little to close, a different composition maybe.

Vlad Xp
02-11-2009, 10:59 AM
It took me a while to realize that the #1 is a face of a statue, so I'd back away from it a little to recompose to show more details of the head, and possibly the rest of the body.

The metal plate thing on the sidewalk is neat, but I'd use a smaller aperture (higher f#) and focus at the start of the plate to let the image slowly fade away into the distance into the shallow DoF.

The door.. seems like there is just not enough contrast in the whole image. Perhaps try again under a different light?

02-11-2009, 04:32 PM
Oh so that's what #1 is... lol I had no clue.

02-12-2009, 01:36 AM
#3 is my favorite. A little more depth might be nice, but as isI enjoy it.

#2 looks like you pushed maintaining the shadow detail at the expense of the natural contrast. It's an artistic choice, but I would have opted to shove down the darks a little, trying not to clip it off, but down enough to keep contrast through the midtones. I'm guessing it was a really cool scene where you were, but the camera had difficulty doing it justice. High contrast is a ____.

#1 is kind of cool in texture, but I think the suggestion to back up a bit is a good one, and perhaps more depth, though depending on where you land the focus from farther back, I don't know.

02-15-2009, 04:06 PM
#1 I agree it's hard to make out what the subject is. After reading vlad's comment I realized that it is statue. No water in the fountain? maybe getting a little water (if there was any) would make a it really clear that it is a fountain.

#2 I like the angle of the shot. It not a straight shot like a lot door shots. and I also like the shadows on the wall and the door. have you tried any post processing on it? It would be interesting to see what happens with a little more contrast.

#3 To me it's a really good abstract picture, but again hard to make out what it is. I guess if your point was to take an abstract picture, it's great. but if you wanted to show a road side, then it's hard to make out. What are you trying to tell with this picture?

I am just an amateur and don't know a lot about critiquing. but I wanted to make some positive contributions to this forum :)


02-15-2009, 06:21 PM
I love number one.

The fact that you need to take time to see what it is, underneath all of that decay, makes it a good picture for me.

It's moody, mysterious, and it holds a secret. It's 'outside the box' which, in my humble opinion, is good.

Recomposing the shot so it is immediately clear what this is, takes away the layers inside this picture, which makes it a winner for me. Photography is about more than aesthetics or clear subject matter. It's about playing with the viewer, or forcing the viewer to take time to read your images, or to play with emotions, context etc. That is what picture number one does for me.

Don't change it. [:D]

I chase light
02-16-2009, 12:57 AM
I like # 1 and 3. I like 3 for the contrast in the pattern. I, too, would like more DOF. Maybe have it go from one side of the frame to another?

I agree that #1 has a mysterious and wonderful feel to it..I like the texture and depth.

I am sorry, but #2 feels very flat.

02-16-2009, 01:10 AM
In all honesty I couldn't really get into #1 and #2. The first is just a picture of a head and the secon of a door and that's pretty much it. No big deal, I take hundreds of pictures that bore the crap out of me...

But in number #3 you are truly onto something; its a great photo and a great subject that I think you should go back to and try under different light or with different (wider) apertures and see what else you could get out of it. But even as it is, its a really interesting, eye catching photo. bravo!

p.s. I'd try some B&W conversions as well.