View Full Version : Help me decide...

02-12-2009, 12:33 PM
Having read the very well written articles and reviews on both lenses, I am now in a quandary: Do I buy the 85 1.2 or the 50 1.2! I have a 30D currently, but am moving over to the 5D II for the full frame, and need just such a lens for everyday use, as well as portrait shots, etc. I have the 24-105 which I am very happy with, and would like to stick to L series lenses. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Jon Ruyle
02-12-2009, 12:59 PM
I've never had either, but I do have the 50 1.4 and the 85 1.8. On a full frame camera, I prefer the 85mm focal length for portraits. More focal length means (in general) more pleasing background at a given dof. It also means it is easier to choose/exclude backgrounds.

Background issues aside, I find 50mm a little wide for portraits. That's just me. And the 85mm seems to have better iq at wide apertures (I'm basing this on iso crops, not experience).

Gian Luca
02-12-2009, 01:01 PM
Hi Tim,

If you have only one lens 24-105L I suggest to take another zoom. The 20-200 f 2.8 L ISis a super lens for portrait (Bryan favorite, you can read his rewiev on this lens). This lens is much more versatile than the 85 1.2, and incombination with your 24-105L+ the full frame of the 5D II will cover a very wide range of use.

In my opinion the 50 1.2 is not a great lens for portrait on a full frame body, whilethe 85 1.2 is a great lens, but focus very slowly + it has a focal lenght already covered by your zoom, so if you do not need to shoot in extreme light conditions, usingf 1.2often,the f2.8 IS will make you happy.


Jessica Robinson
02-12-2009, 08:40 PM
I agree, I would vote for the 70-200mm. I have the f/4 and it does stunning portraits - very sharp, good color, and excellent brokeh. And gives you more versatility. Though I guess the 85mm would work better if you wanted something a little less conspicious, or not as heavy... Just my 2 cents. :)

02-12-2009, 10:28 PM
That is kinda what I had in mind...looks like the 85 will be the one. I am not so worried that it focuses slowly, just that the IQ is top, and that on both the 30D and 5D it will be a good fit....

Thanks all for responding.


Jon Ruyle
02-13-2009, 11:52 AM
I might be too late, but you might look at ken rockwell's review of the 85mm 1.8 before you buy the 1.2. Getting a 85mm 1.8 *and* a 70-200 2.8 IS wouldn't cost too much more than getting an 85 1.2 alone.

That said, you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. (He says the 1.2 is only good for special purpose, like astronomy. In the first place, I think plenty of people like to go faster than f/2 for portraits when they can. And secondly, I don't know any astrophotographers who shoot much faster than f/4 due to chromatic aberration... I'd be surprised if the 85 1.2 is immune to this wide open.)