View Full Version : How much can it survive?

02-09-2011, 12:34 AM
So I just moved down to Florida to work in the everglades, and its amazing here for bird photography. Most of my job involves working from air boats, and of course I always want to bring my camera with me, since I see so many cool things throughout the course of the day. My concern is that the air boats vibrate a lot, plus occasionally bounce a bit going over things, so Im worried about it doing bad things to my camera (50d and 100-400mm). I keep it in a padded case, but wonder if that is enough protection for it, or if I should just leave it home during work.

What should I do and is it something I really should be concerned with.

here are a few photos I have captured in my first week here.

f5.6, 260mm, 1000th sec. Mixed flock of wading birds (4 species)


f5.6, 400mm, 1/250sec Snowy Egret


f6.3, 400mm, 1/200sec. Purple Gallinule


Thanks for the input


Sinh Nhut Nguyen
02-09-2011, 01:32 AM
You have a dream job for every amature bird photographer. Bring the camera!

02-09-2011, 02:05 AM
yeah that is a major perk of being a wildlife biologist. I get to see a lot of wildlife most don

02-09-2011, 02:53 AM
If you really want to take care of your gear I

02-09-2011, 03:07 AM

02-09-2011, 03:10 AM
Just thought. If someone else drives the fan boat then you can keep the camera in your hands and it

02-09-2011, 04:34 AM
Can't see a pelikan on a bike but would fit on a boat... But would they damp the vibration?

I think so. They use high quality, high density foam in those boxes. Provided you don't pull too much out when making space for your gear then I think you'll be right. I'd rather have the pull out foam than the padded dividers in a pelican case.

Put it this way, I use Pelican cases for my remote electronic blasting box. These essentially have a computer in them the allows me to assign a delay to up to 2400 detonators to millisecond precision. We often blast anywhere up to 40 tonnes of ANFO and I usually tie the blast box up to the wall within 200m of the blast. That's a serious concussion - if you were standing at the box when it fired, you wouldn't be for very long. I very rarely have issues with components vibrating loose, they're very well protected in those cases.

So yeah, I reckon you'd be ok.

02-09-2011, 08:56 PM
Yeah Im thinking buying a pelican case will probably be what I do, I just didn