View Full Version : Are they having fun yet?

Steve U
06-22-2011, 09:53 PM
My son and his mate, have been in the good old USofA for the past two weeks or so. He flew from Brisbane and eventually landed in New York.

They were there less than 24 hours and both had their iphones stolen. Being 24 and knowing more than me and just about everyone else, they had not told their Aussie banks that they were going overseas, so when they stuck their cards in the ATM's the bank just shut their accounts down. So in New York, no money, no phones, no luck.

They lasted 3 days there, went to Miami for a week and have been in Vegas since. They were supposed to be renting a car and driving around California for 5 days or so, but the last contact from him this morning was, that they have decided to stay in Vegas for a few more days. They said it is very hot. I hope they are not wandering around in the desert.

Do you think they could be having fun yet?

This is them leaving Brisbane, if any of you guys spot them, say G'day for me.


It is winter here and they are rugged up Brisbane style.


06-23-2011, 01:30 AM
Hi Steve

Will keep an eye out for them. Hope they turn up soon.


Steve U
06-23-2011, 07:38 AM
Thanks Wally, I think their not ready to be found yet.

06-24-2011, 03:36 AM
Well, they are a far ways from Wisconsin so I don

bob williams
06-24-2011, 04:28 AM
Vegas???? Hope they already have thier tickets home or Dad is going to be selling off his camera gear to get them back home:)

Steve U
06-24-2011, 04:47 AM
The older my kids get, the more I like my dogs:)

Daniel Browning
06-24-2011, 02:30 PM
Oh no -- Aussie invasion! Our women are powerless against your accents. My wife gets weak in the knees just hearing it on TV, I hate to think how they are swooning in Vegas.

06-24-2011, 02:39 PM

It is probably a good thing that they can

06-24-2011, 02:44 PM
The older my kids get, the more I like my dogs:)
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I will second that!! [&amp;]

06-24-2011, 02:46 PM
Oh no -- Aussie invasion! Our women are powerless against your accents. My wife gets weak in the knees just hearing it on TV, I hate to think how they are swooning in Vegas.
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

Heehee! Too funny but sooo true!

Steve U
06-24-2011, 08:54 PM
This is the second time for my son in Vegas. They were not swooning the first time. He went to some bar, come pool sort of set up and was offered a private cabana and all his drinks served for $160, him and his mate thought, BARGAIN!!!

So they started ordering drinks for everyone that smiled at them, jugs of Mojitos and so on. Stayed for hours, thought they were in heaven.

Then when it came to leave they, went up to pay their bill, only to find out the service cost $160 but the all up bill which included the alcohol was about $1200, plus tip.

The Aussie accent didn