View Full Version : 5D vs 5D MARK II

07-09-2011, 02:12 AM
Can anyone explain why the 5D (2700) is selling for more than the 5D MARK II (2500)

07-09-2011, 02:24 AM
Because the 5D is in the used market, and people selling used either:

a) think their gear is worth twice it's actual value,
or b) know the average buyer doesn't know the market, and will pay whatever you ask,
or c) know people typically offer half of your asking price and by inflating the starting point, you might just end up with a decent sale price at the end of it.

I routinely see items on local classified sites for more than new in the local stores... and judging by photoprice.ca, our local stores are some of the worst prices in North America.

Jon Ruyle
07-09-2011, 02:32 AM
Someone may be *asking* $2700 for a 5D, but I doubt it

07-09-2011, 03:12 AM
5D sells between $850 and $1200 on my local Craiglsist

07-09-2011, 07:23 PM
The $2700 ones (on Amazon I presume?) are usually new in box, which is hard to find, which at least in the seller

Fast Glass
07-10-2011, 03:34 AM
One reason that Amazon sells it for more is they might be trying get a certain percentage off there stuff and they paid more for the 5D than the 5D II when it was new. But couldn