View Full Version : 5d serial numbers...LCD issue

Stephen Probert
02-20-2009, 05:52 PM
I know that this is old news, but I can't find a clear answer on the web. I am looking to buy a used 5d (low on camera cash...want the MII). I have read that the older 5d's have a poor quality LCD. The confusion is that some people say that the SN's starting with 0 and 1 are the ones to avoid, others say that SN's with 0 or 1 as the 5th number in the SN are to be avoided. Which is it? Also, can someone tell me the number of digits in a 5D SN? Thanks.

Mathew Wilson
02-20-2009, 07:09 PM
I heard it was just a firmware update that adjusts the LCD screen, and not an actual different LCD on the back of the camera.

Not 100% sure though.