View Full Version : 5D mkII Display Issue

Keith B
02-20-2009, 06:24 PM
Is anyone else having an issue with the 5D mkII, where the LCD doesn't display the image a shot. Mine does this often. It displays them fine and the in the middle of a shoot it stops. I them have to reboot to get it display them again.

Not the end of the world but definitely annoying.


I have review time set to HOLD

Daniel Browning
02-20-2009, 06:28 PM
The only time I've noticed problems like that are in the middle of a hectic shoot, so I always assumed it was user error. I'll try paying closer attention and see if I reproduce the problem.

Mathew Wilson
02-20-2009, 07:13 PM
Just check and make sure your left hand isn't accidentally touching the DOF Preview Button. This happens to me alot (with my 5DMK2), when i am holding the camera facing down and am trying to look at a photo i have taken, the display would show the picture for a second then go black.

Took me a while to realise i was gently touching the DOF Preview button without realising, which clears the display when touched.

Keith B
02-20-2009, 08:01 PM
It was happening when I had it on tripod and using the 2 second timer and then also when using wire remote. It has also happens during hand held shots too.

Now that I think about, I think I notice it when the battery is half charge or less. I'll do some tests.

Keith B
02-21-2009, 07:32 PM
Did it with a fresh battery today too.

02-21-2009, 10:32 PM
That sounds like an issue. Are you in live view?

Also, does your serial number begin with a 3 or a 5?

Keith B
02-22-2009, 03:24 AM
No Live View and no on the 3 or 5 serial number. I actually starts with 0.

02-22-2009, 04:18 AM
Ah, but does it go to 11?

Keith B
02-22-2009, 04:35 AM
Nowhere in the number is 11. the first two numbers are 02.

What are the issues with the models with these serial numbers?

02-22-2009, 05:24 AM
Make sure you're not accidentally hitting the DOF preview button. It happens to me all the time. At first I thought it was the machine acting funny, of course :).

Tom Alicoate
02-22-2009, 09:55 AM
Ah, but does it go to 11?
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

Funny! I think the number of people that have actually seen, or that can remember, Spinal Tap is getting smaller and smaller though. Actually the deadpan response had me rolling on the floor.

I would expect to see this same issue in the 50D. I am guessing that when they moved to the higher resolution display that they didn't quite get it right. Hopefully it is something that can be fixed in a firmware release.


02-22-2009, 10:23 AM
do you have the vertical battery grip? that kept happening to me, and i realized i was bumping the alternate shutter release slightly..

Keith B
02-22-2009, 11:09 AM
Ah, but does it go to 11?
<div style="CLEAR:both;"]</div>

Funny! I think the number of people that have actually seen, or that can remember, Spinal Tap is getting smaller and smaller though. Actually the deadpan response had me rolling on the floor.


I've seen it, just wasn't expecting it and with out the cockney accent it totally eluded me.

Back to the issue.

This is happening in kinds of situations, such as times I've set in on a tripod and used the timer and didn't touch a thing after I released the shutter.

02-22-2009, 03:25 PM
What does canon say?

*cockney accent*

Keith B
02-22-2009, 04:08 PM
Haven't heard from Canon yet.

Oh, no battery grip either.

02-23-2009, 02:07 AM
You crack me up Colin... LOL! [:D]

I hope your issue get resolved Keith, that's odd.