View Full Version : Found a bad pixel in my new 50D! What now??

02-24-2009, 02:30 AM
So, zoomed into a picture, I just noticed a purple pixle, and it's in the same exact place in every picture.

Is that worth sending it back? I mean, it's a $1300 camera, that seems like something that you don't want....a bad pixel.

What do you guys think?

02-24-2009, 02:42 AM
It's hot pixels (dead pixel) you find this in every camera. It's more or less there. Nothing you can do about it.


02-24-2009, 02:52 AM

Guess what? I just put it into manual sensor cleaning mode, left it for like 30 seconds, shut it off, turned it back on, bad pixel is gone. Sweet!

Still, anyone with experience with having and getting rid of bad/hot pixels I'd not mind hearing about it.

Steve Eisenberg
02-24-2009, 10:44 AM
That is exactly what you do. It's called remapping the sensor. Also, Long Exposure Noise Reduction takes care of the problem in exposures over 1 second. What it does is take the picture, then takes a picture without opening the shutter, finds the hot pixels, and erases them from the image. Very handy!

One pixel out of millions and millions, not too bad...

02-24-2009, 11:14 AM
That is exactly what you do. It's called remapping the sensor. Also, Long Exposure Noise Reduction takes care of the problem in exposures over 1 second. What it does is take the picture, then takes a picture without opening the shutter, finds the hot pixels, and erases them from the image. Very handy!

One pixel out of millions and millions, not too bad...
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Ah, that's a good thing to know.....and like you said, out of 15,100,000 pixels one isn't bad....but knowing me I'd be looking for it in every single picture. haha Wouldn't be a hard photoshop fix though. Just glad it's gone anyway. Thanks!

Daniel Browning
02-24-2009, 01:50 PM
Every photographer goes through shock when they find their first dead pixel. Hopefully they learn about the secret dead pixel remapper (hidden in the manual sensor clean feature), as you did. If they were concerned about one pixel, their head would explode if they knew the reality: that every camera has tens of thousands of dead pixels. Most get mapped out at the factory, and new ones get mapped out every time you run the sensor cleaning operation. Of course, even this amount is less than 1% of the image, and the effect on the image is immesurably small.

Canon, like most manufacturers, thinks photographers can't handle the truth, so they cover it up.

02-24-2009, 06:05 PM
Every photographer goes through shock when they find their first dead pixel. Hopefully they learn about the secret dead pixel remapper (hidden in the manual sensor clean feature), as you did. If they were concerned about one pixel, their head would explode if they knew the reality: that every camera has tens of thousands of dead pixels. Most get mapped out at the factory, and new ones get mapped out every time you run the sensor cleaning operation. Of course, even this amount is less than 1% of the image, and the effect on the image is immesurably small.

Canon, like most manufacturers, thinks photographers can't handle the truth, so they cover it up.
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lol They are probably right....you spend that much money and that many dead pixels....I can't handle the truth!

I did go through shock too....it was like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!? WHAT IS THAT PURPLE THING????"

But, a quick Google search got me cleared right up. Now I'll be keeping my eyes peeled though.

02-25-2009, 02:35 AM
I had a similar reaction when I figured out that my 1280x720 projector was missing about 14 pixels vertically. Had exactly 1280 horizontally.

It was a projector targeted toward home theater, and with video displays, most crop the top and bottom and sides of images because many movies don't actually use the whole screen, or there's junk in broadcast material, particularly at the top, or whatever.

My video processor at the time had a pattern to identify pixel cropping in the display, and when I realized what it was doing, I was PISSED. I called them up, and they said it was normal. I said, "So, you're telling me that this 720p projector doesn't actually have 720 vertical pixels?" The answer was something like, "Well, they're there, it just can't show all of them to you." GAH!

RMP Studio
02-25-2009, 12:17 PM
I found two, yes 2, bad pixels on my brand new 5dmkii. I wish i'd seen this post before i took my camera back. Luckily for me though i bought it from Bestbuy and their return policy is great. No bad pixels in the new one. :)

02-25-2009, 06:22 PM
I found two, yes 2, bad pixels on my brand new 5dmkii. I wish i'd seen this post before i took my camera back. Luckily for me though i bought it from Bestbuy and their return policy is great. No bad pixels in the new one. :)
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Yeah, Best Buy is great. But, now you know if you ever find a hot pixel, what to try!

03-01-2009, 01:13 PM
I got my 50D recently and I can't find any bad pixels,although i tried... However, two year back from now I got my XTi and right out of the box it has a huge bright pixel on the LCD and the sensor was very dirty. The bright pixel on the LCD couldn't get more obvious to find just by a glance. Iwonder how Canonwould have not catched such a product. I returned it and the next one was fine.

01-08-2010, 01:07 PM
Same here - I've had my 50D for 3 weeks and only noticed last night I have 2 hot pixels...so looked back at my other pics I've taken when I first got the camera and they appear on those pics too!

I've tried the manual clean trick and that doesn't fix it - is it worth sending it back to Canon as it really is annoying?

I know it's a little sad but I hate to think my new camera requires me to keep editing these hot pixels out in photoshop for every picture I take! [^o)]

01-12-2010, 02:37 AM
On my 1Ds MKIII i found Dust on the first day it s visible and found 3 white dots.Sent to Canon service center for Cmos "Dust Off' it took twice to do it different occassionand now 99% dust free.