View Full Version : DPP & Aperture 3 non destructive photo edits

10-09-2011, 07:09 PM
If using DPP, where is this information saved? Where does Aperture store it's information? Are they both in the meta tags?

If I open and edit in Aperture will it be able to read edits made in DPP and will DPP edits be able to be read by Aperture.

Switched to iMac from Windows so decided to give Aperture a try due to the price from the Apple store. Are there any issues or conflicts using DPP and Aperture editing the same raw photos. I have both DPP and Aperture 3 installed and using non managed library in AP3. So both DPP and AP3 point/use the same folder where I store/edit my raw images.



10-09-2011, 07:29 PM
DPP writes the changes in the RAW file metadata. Because it's Canon's own software, it's the only one that can actually alter the metadata of the RAW file. Aperture stores edits in it's own database, as do all the other RAW converters (LR, DxO, etc.). For the other programs, you can export a sidecar file that contains the edits (altnough only the same software will be able to read the sidecar file).

Bottom line, you can safely edit the same RAW file with both DPP and Aperture, as many times as you want - each is independently nondestructive, and each will maintain it's own record of the edits, but neither will see the other's edits. If you want to successively edit the file with both programs while maintaining full bit depth, you'll need to convert it to a 16-bit TIFF image in one application, and import that into the other editor.

Daniel Browning
10-10-2011, 06:02 PM
PP writes the changes in the RAW file metadata.

Yikes! I had no idea Canon did that. All it takes is one small bug in DPP and it could start fouling up image data. I, for one, will be avoiding the "save" button in DPP from now on.