View Full Version : Adobe's blur killer..

10-12-2011, 11:23 AM
Interesting, for sure. This definitely shouldn't substitute good technique or anything, but the leg-up will be much appreciated for those MUST have shots.

http://gizmodo.com/5848371/photoshop-will-end-blurry-pics-forever ("http://gizmodo.com/5848371/photoshop-will-end-blurry-pics-forever)

The video is definitely worth a watch.

10-12-2011, 11:55 AM
But, no idea when it will be available. Until then, there'sFocusMagic ("http://www.focusmagic.com/)(standalone or PS plugin), a couple of GIMP plugins (Refocus, Refocus-It), and a Java app called Unshake ("http://www.zen147963.zen.co.uk/) that's actually the best of the bunch (uses blind deconvolution). Oh, and lenses with IS...

10-13-2011, 06:00 AM
But, no idea when it will be available. Until then, there'sFocusMagic ("http://www.focusmagic.com/)(standalone or PS plugin), a couple of GIMP plugins (Refocus, Refocus-It), and a Java app called Unshake ("http://www.zen147963.zen.co.uk/) that's actually the best of the bunch (uses blind deconvolution). Oh, and lenses with IS...

Yeah, the "lenses with IS" was my other thought there. Figured there might be a purist kicking around that's opposed to these types of apps.. was banking on said purist to have an IS lens. Bah. Fun killer. :P

Dr Croubie
10-13-2011, 08:30 AM