View Full Version : Tasmania photo trip by Kane

Steve U
01-03-2012, 10:30 AM
Thought I would include for anyone interested, the Tasmanian video diary of Kane, a local landscape photographer from Brisbane. I have done a couple of courses with Kane, he is a good bloke and a good teacher.
http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3 DYNcYL9Y70zE&h=KAQHR4adP

Tasmania is a special place.

01-03-2012, 06:07 PM
Beautifully arranged video of the Tassie wilderness. Thanks for sharing this video with us Steve.


Dr Croubie
01-03-2012, 08:03 PM
Woo, tassie.
I had the pleasure of going there a few years ago with my ex missus, recognised a few of the places like the mountain above Hobart and the Cradle-Mountain lake. The night we were at Cradle-Mountain in a tent (lashed to the car) there was the worst storm of the year, a petrol-station down the road lost its entire roof.
But there were a few really depressing things about my trip:
- Look past/through the 10m-wide strip of trees when you're driving along a main road, and all you can see are bare hills where they've just strip-cleared all the nice old-growth forest.
- The amount of roadkill along the roads. Maybe it's because there's just more animals around there, but still, a body every 20m or so.
- My ex's P&S digital died just before we left, I didn't have a digital at that stage, so we shot the whole trip on a few rolls of film with a 35mm wide-angle nikon P&S.
- Some insects bit us all over, they swelled up like mosquito-bites but bigger and stayed longer, i've still got a few 1cm-wide scars from them.

Still, I so want to go back there when I can afford it, with an UWA lens and/or FF, and a lot of ND filters and the knowledge to use them properly (and a fishing rod, and a 4WD, we hired a plastic Kia and nearly killed it on the dirt roads).

01-07-2012, 12:25 PM
A great video Kane. I'm inspired to also do so! What camera did you use?