View Full Version : DxO Optics Pro 7

01-25-2012, 07:53 PM
Hi All -

Has anyone here upgraded from the 6.6 version of DxO Optics Pro to the new 7 version? I have DxO Pro 6.6 standard and I am wondering if the new features in Version 7 (now 7.2) are beneficial. I was just reading through the changes this morning and it sounds pretty good but would be interested in hearing from people that actually did the upgrade to hear what they think of it.

Not that I have the extra $ laying around at the moment but I'm wondering if it should be added to my "Things to buy when I get a job" list! By then, it will probably be at the regular upgrade price of $80! Is it really worth $80?


01-25-2012, 08:06 PM
I have.

I read the blurbs about better sharpening, colors and textures, etc., and I don't notice significant differences along those lines. The two big differences are that you don't need to add images to a project anymore (you just work on them in their original folder) and the processing is a LOT faster. The first is a nice change, and means that DxO is easier to use for image triage now (but I still use Aperture, it's even easier) - the old way wasn't particularly a hassle. The second only makes a difference if you are impatient.

I'd say unless you need images processed fast, the main reason to upgrade would be if you get a new camera. In that regard, they seem to be like Adobe (and unlike Apple), for example, v7 will support my PowerShot S100 soon, v6 won't.

Don Burkett
01-25-2012, 08:52 PM
Denise, I've very pleased with the DXO upgrade. Vast improvement in workflow. They fixed most of what I thought was wrong with version 6. They keep heading down this path and I'll likely not need any sort of secondary post process. So, in a nutshell, not perfect but a worthy upgrade.

01-25-2012, 09:00 PM
Thanks, John! I definitely fall in the category of impatient! Before my daughter did a few upgrades to my ancient 4 yr. old computer, DxO ran unbelievably slow to where I hated using it. Now, it runs better (tolerable with some patience) and I am glad to hear you say there is a significance. I just wonder if I upgraded, will my computer handle it as well. Also, I do like the idea of not having to do a "project" anymore. The other features, mainly the sharpness mask looked good on their website but with your saying it isn't that significant, makes it less appealing.

Overall, I think this is still something I would like to upgrade but I think it's going to move down a few notches on the list unless I can still get it at the reduced $49.99 when the time comes.

01-25-2012, 09:04 PM
Denise, I've very pleased with the DXO upgrade. Vast improvement in workflow. They fixed most of what I thought was wrong with version 6. They keep heading down this path and I'll likely not need any sort of secondary post process. So, in a nutshell, not perfect but a worthy upgrade.

I just went back to their website and read this, "In Windows, it is now possible to run several batch processing sessions at once while continuing to customize other images."

Do you notice it being slower at all the more batches you run at once while customizing other images?

Don Burkett
01-26-2012, 12:23 AM
Also, I do like the idea of not having to do a "project" anymore.

Project is no longer required. One of the workflow improvements