View Full Version : MacBook Air VS MacBook Pro

02-06-2012, 12:48 AM
I've been using PCs for eighteen years but over the past few years having Apple products, an iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone 4 and then an iPad 2. I've come to dream of owning a Mac. Now, I'm sitting on the fence on which to get.

I'm not a gamer and don't intend to do any heavy video editing. I do have a year old six core AMD (16 GB RAM) PC that acts as a Home Theater/Home Server for occasional heavy lifting and storage (it backs up to Carbonite as well).

These are the two I'm considering:

13" MacBook Pro
2.8 GHz dual core i7
750 GB 5400rpm (which I'll surely upgrade to SS when 512GB, or better, when they get more affordable)


13" MacBook Air
1.8 GHz dual core i7
4 GB RAM (Not upgradable)
256 GB SS HD

Any thoughts?

02-06-2012, 01:07 AM
I suggest the Pro if you do a lot of processing like downloading a couple hundred pics from your memory cards..the pro's definitely better at that part, faster processing so it wont lag/freeze as much when doing heavy processing. However, I'd suggest the Air if you take the laptop when travelling..cuz obviously it's lighter and it gets the job done, just slower than pro. Personally, I'll take the pro cuz it's cheaper and gives much more power :)

02-06-2012, 01:31 AM
Yes, I'm already leaning toward the Pro. My iPad fills the ultra portable niche and I don't fool with processing on the road.

02-06-2012, 02:07 AM
One thing you didn't list is the video card. It is just important in making the selection. The Pro will give you a better video card, it is a faster computer and has more RAM. I think the choice comes down to how much you can afford, the Pro will give you more speed when your working your pictures.

But here is the real beauty of owning the Mac, all those other devices will integrate so well with it. You get an I Tv and you can sync all your entertainment on all your systems. It is an easy solution for the majority of your entertainment needs.

Personally I would go with the Pro, for me its all about speed.

02-06-2012, 02:30 AM
If you get an SSD for the Pro, it will outperform the Air. If not, they'll be about the same (I have a 17" MBP and a 13" MBA). With image processing, disk speed is important, and the SSD gives a big boost.

Don't worry much about the RAM - OS X manages it much better than you're used to with Windows. I've got 8 GB in my MBP, and the only time I come anywhere close to needing it all is when I'm running a Windows virtual machine and I have to give it 5 GB to keep it happy.

I can tell you that my Air handles large image files in CS5 very well (not just 5DII files, but much larger 16-bit files from scientific instruments). I've been able to slow it down slightly with 2 GB images (slide-scanning microscopy files), but it still does ok.

The Air is absolutely great for travel. But, unless you'll be traveling a lot, I'd get the Pro - mainly for the FW800 port. Sure, there are a couple of Thunderbolt hard drives, but they're uber expensive and likely to be that way for a while. I'd go crazy if I had to move all my images over USB2.

02-06-2012, 02:47 AM
The Air and 13" Pro have the same "Intel HD Graphics 3000".

I've already got three AppleTVs that stream my media off my server.

I guess the Pro, with a future anticipated upgrade to an SSD, will be my route.

02-06-2012, 03:04 AM
I've already got three AppleTVs that stream my media off my server.

Can you sync all your other devices with it? I like the ability to put whichever movie I like on any device to watch. I had my Mac's before I had the Iphone, Ipad and appleTV.

I think if I were going to upgrade something it would be the screen. I find my wife's 13" pro to be to small for my taste. Her pro is 2 years old, was the low end version and it performs fine when processing photos.

Only problem I have with her's is storage, but I have the same problem with my Mac Pro. With a notebook the limited storage problem is magnified. I just bought a external HD that is FW800 compatible, it will write from my Mac Pro main drive at almost the same speed as the 3 internal hard drives. If the Mac notebook is going to be your main computer you will most likely be backing up to externals allot. Like Neuro pointed out the firewire compatibility would be very important.

02-06-2012, 03:21 AM
Being I've become accustomed to using an iPad (9.2") I think a 13" will be fine. Besides, with the 15" the price moves out of my current reach.

I do have an AirPort Extream as well and it seems it can be used with a USB HD to maintain a Time Machine backup. I haven't had an opportunity to try it as my server is hard wired to it and our two iPhones and three iPads synce with the iCloud. Since iOS 5 they don't have to synce with the PC (but they can) at all. My AppleTVs do stream my ripped movies and tv shows from the server.

02-08-2012, 02:40 AM
Thank ya'll for the info!

Neroanatomist, you convinced me that 4 GB of ram will do for now. That being the case I can stay in my price range and get a 15" Pro that I can upgrade one day with more ram and an SSD.

HDNithawk, you made reconsider getting a 15" for the quad core proc and the improved graphics. Besides my eyes aren't what they once were and the screen on a laptop will be a little farther from my eyes than my iPad is, given there is a keyboard is in the way.

The numbers:
2.2GHz quad-core
Intel Core i7
4GB 1333MHz
500GB 5400-rpm1
Intel HD Graphics 3000
AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5


I only live about ten minutes from the only Apple store in Mississippi. So, I've had ample opportunity to fondle the Macs and I have to say I love the multitouch pad on them. I'm really stoked about getting one. It'll be the first laptop I've had on which I won't have to use a separate mouse!

02-08-2012, 01:00 PM
I only live about ten minutes from the only Apple store in Mississippi. So, I've had ample opportunity to fondle the Macs and I have to say I love the multitouch pad on them. I'm really stoked about getting one. It'll be the first laptop I've had on which I won't have to use a separate mouse!

Everyone has personal preferences, for me I always carry a mouse with my laptops. The apple mousses are very sleek and pretty, I tried them for a while and didn’t like how they work. If you decide to get a mouse later any mouse will work you do not have to use the Apple mouse.

Good Luck and Enjoy your new laptop

02-08-2012, 01:56 PM
Once you use a multitouch trackpad, you may never want to go back. When I connect my Air to an external monitor, I use a wireless kepboard and the wireless trackpad instead of a mouse.

02-08-2012, 02:15 PM
John, we may be talking two different things. The touch pad on the lap top which I find to small and confining or the Magic Track pad that apple makes. Either way I prefer the mouse, maybe it is just all the years of using a mouse and I am too stubborn to change. Right now I am typing on my Dell laptop at work and using a mouse, external monitor and external keyboard. My way of thinking is, go with what feels good for you.

My real point with the mouse comment was more toward the Apple mouse not mouse vs. trackpad, IMO the Apple Mouse is junk. If the OP wants a mouse he might consider buying an aftermarket. (or not, I am sure some people love the Apple mouse)

02-08-2012, 08:12 PM
After using my iPod Touch, iPhone 4 and iPad 2 a multitouch interaction is second nature. The fact that you can click without lifting your finger from the touchpad, click with two fingers for a different action and swipe with four fingers to change applications is just awesome. I can't wait to get the MacBook Pro. I'm even thinking about rebuilding my media center into a Hackintoch and getting a magic touchpad for it!

02-28-2012, 04:50 PM
The track pad on the pro is great, I love all the gestures but there is one problem with it.
When adjusting curves, it's not exactly the most accurate of tools. I find myself wiggling round the point I want for a while before it lands just right.
Might just be me but it's something to consider when editing a batch

04-14-2012, 06:38 PM
After much thought I ordered the 13.3" MacBook Pro with 500GB HD and in the same order I also got 8gb ram. My Amazon order totaled $1165.34 (no tax, free shipping). Much cheaper than getting the same setup from Apple, $1496.93 (with tax, in store pickup or free shipping).

Hopefully it'll be here before next Saturday!

On a side note, I've already got a copy of Office 07, the same version I use at work. So, I'm thinking about getting Parallels and running it that way. Anybody got any ideas on where I can get the cheapest copy of Windows Vista/7 for that use? $99 dollars for Windows 7 Home Premium seems to be the best deal I can find.

04-16-2012, 04:10 PM
Great choice! I missed this discussion the first time around, but I am the happy owner of a 13" MBP (mid-2010 model). I love it. It has been a real workhorse. You were right to go with 8GB RAM, especially if you plan to use Apple Aperture, which runs dramatically faster with more than 4GB of RAM. Good luck.

04-19-2012, 06:29 PM
Got it yesterday. I stayed up way too late messing with it. I've already got it backed up to a hard drive that's plugged into my AirPort Extreme. I've got access to all of my old media on my server. Which I thought would likely be a PITA but it was easy.