View Full Version : Adobe Lightroom Export question

03-28-2012, 11:12 PM
For the most part, I use Canon DPP or Adobe Lightroom. When I edit the RAW files in DPP, I save the edits to the RAW file and export to JPG. When I edit the RAW files in LR (pre 4/2012) I would edit the RAW files, export the edits as DNG and JPG. I used DNG because it saves my edits if I ever needed to whipe my catalog.

I started to experiment with exporting as original (when editing RAW) and noticed that it saves the edits in an XMP file. I'm wondering what is the best future safe method to use: Export as DNG or Original with XMP file.

03-29-2012, 12:36 AM
Assuming you are exporting to have backup copies of your files I can suggest that Canon RAW format won't necessarily be around forever but you will likely still have software on your future computer to be able to convert to whatever format(s) come our way in the future. My own solution at this time is to back up the raw files, xmp sidecars, and the LR catalogue on a regular basis so that I can preserve the original file (in case of future improved raw converters) as well as any of my edits in LR or PS. DPP is useful, but I seldom use it at home anymore as I prefer the greater abilities of LR and PS and the fact that most of the edits are reversible, unlike DPP which changes the original raw file when saved.

Have considered TIFF and other non-lossy converted formats, but choose to archive raw format for smaller file sizes, and potentially future flexibility. Not having a crystal ball to gaze into the future I have no idea what new formats, or processing software, will come and which of the current ones will pass. Future compatability is anyone's guess.

03-29-2012, 12:43 AM
I don't believe that DPP modifies the RAW file as I can undo my edits to the RAW, and LR does not see those edits when I import those RAW files. What I'm wondering is, is RAW + XMP future safe? I'm sure Lightroom will always be able to read those files but is DNG better?

I keep a copy of my RAW file and DNG files plus my JPG. Keeping both DNG and RAW really takes up space but I don't want to get rid of the RAWs, just incase.

03-29-2012, 01:22 AM
No format is immune from future displacement. Flash is an interesting example of how one maufacturer can attempt to displace a deeply entrenched format. All you can do is pick a format for backups and if the software you are working with no longer supports it in the future, use a converter to change files to a format it will play well with.
Myself I keep raw format of everything. After editing, I'll create JPEGs for any printing I need/want so I can reprint easily if needed without having to duplicate work done once. For electronic submissions most clients prefer to receive JPEG, so I create JPEG files which are archived, in addition to the raws, for potential resubmission. If re-editing is requested, it is back to the raw file and creating a new JPEG of the result for submission and archiving to preserve the full revision history. This is a system that seems to work well for my needs. Other people will have different methods for managing their evergrowing gigabytes of files which suit them. It really is a matter of personal preference and workflow patterns.

Daniel Browning
03-29-2012, 01:34 AM
I used DNG because it saves my edits if I ever needed to whipe my catalog.

RAW+XMP works for that too.

I'm wondering what is the best future safe method to use: Export as DNG or Original with XMP file.

They are both pretty safe IMHO, but I would give the edge to original with XMP because there have been bugs in Adobe's DNG converter before that messed up a bit of the original data on accident. And there are raw converters that will refuse to treat a DNG the same as an original raw (even when they had all the data to do so).

03-29-2012, 01:37 PM
Hi Daniel, I realise that RAW+XMP does that as well, I'm wondering though, what would be safer, to stick with DNG which contains the edits (not XMP file) and any Adobe program (presumably) will support DNG or go to RAW+XMP (I still keep RAWs no matter what) and not save to DNG. I'm not aware of other programs that read RAW+XMP?

Daniel Browning
03-29-2012, 03:39 PM
I'm not aware of other programs that read RAW+XMP?

Well, there are really only two parts to be saved: the image data and the edits. When it comes to the image data, I think the original camera raw is the safest format, but DNG should be nearly as safe. When it comes to saving the edits, I don't really know. I don't know any other programs that read edits from the XMP file, but I also don't know of any that read the edits from the DNG file. Sorry I can't be more help. :)

03-29-2012, 03:58 PM
I think Aperture does the same thing with the XMP file (they call it a side car file). But I don't think different programs understand each other's XMP files


03-29-2012, 04:26 PM
Corel's AfterShot Pro also has sidecar XMP files, but yeah, I also have no idea if the programs can read each others files. ASP does have two XMP file modes, so perhaps one is based on some standard, and one is extended.

03-29-2012, 04:50 PM
That's what I was wondering, if other programs can read a XMP file that they didn't create. It's an Adobe product from what I can determine.

I still need to decide on what to do. Here's my edit process:

>01 - January
>>11 (contains the JPGs)
>>>DNG (contains the LR edited RAW files, exported to DNG to keep the edits in tact)
>>>RAW (Original files)

What I could do:

>01 - January
>>11 (contains the JPGs)
>>>RAW+XMP (Original files, with sidecar file that will contain the edits and LR will read it)

The reason I'm re-evaluating my original process is to save disk space.

04-04-2012, 11:01 PM
I shoot RAW (Canon 7D) and import my RAW files in LR, make my edits, export as JPG and also, just incase I want to go back and tweak my edits I export the file as "orginal" which if I understand it correctly, LR makes a copy of my .cr2 file. I compared the original CR2 file to the copy LR makes and see a slight color difference but that's all.

Is it safe to delete the original CR2 files from my camer and keep the "original" copy the LR makes when I export?

Daniel Browning
04-04-2012, 11:20 PM
Is it safe to delete the original CR2 files from my camer and keep the "original" copy the LR makes when I export?


04-04-2012, 11:23 PM
Well, if I have it right... You don't even have to export as original. (which will be .CR2) when it imports the files it saves the CR2 files in the designated folder then all of the edits are saved to the catalog file, with the original file untouched. It doesn't apply the edits until the export stage, but even then the original file is untouched. That's the beautiful thing about lr, it's editing system is non destructive.

If your goal was to backup the originals, simply back up the catalog and the folder the originals are stored in.