View Full Version : Portfolios????

03-10-2009, 07:33 PM
What should be included in a portfolio for a job interview or my very first freelancing job.

03-10-2009, 08:15 PM
Less is more.

Quality instead of quantity. Pick your best. I reviewed portfolios where entire shoots incl. alternative shots were included when just picking one picture from that very same shoot would have made a more powerful impact.

Adapt to the client.

When job requirements are specific: adapt your portfolio for the interview. Somebody who needs you to do a fashion editorial is not interested in seeing your best wedding shots, no matter how great they are. You have to present people with work they can relate to. I know it may sound obvious but being an art director I have had more than my fair share of interviews with photographers who included irrelevant or uninteresting work arguing it was in their portfolio to show 'technical excellence'. Who cares? Showing pictures for the sake of technical excellence that are otherwise irrelevant to the person in question taking the interview is always bad idea. Technical excellence is required anyway and should be visible throughout the entire portfolio as a whole.

Stick with the subject as much as possible, find out what people are looking for, be brief, to the point, adapt your portfolio and off you go.

Good luck!

ps: this post is not to be snobby but I have had to interview a lot of photographers over the last decade and this is what came to mind.

ps2: if some of it sounds weird I have trouble finding the proper words/expressions in English

03-10-2009, 08:32 PM
Well said Madison


03-10-2009, 08:34 PM
thanks Madisn that helps i have never made a portfolio and had an interview this is my first freelancing and phoo related job and i could use all the advice i could get [:D]

03-11-2009, 01:20 AM
Ditto on Thanks for the insight!

When you say it, it seems like it should be obvious, but then again, I do lots of things that should have been obviously a thing to avoid, and they always are, later. [:)]